March 6-8, 2025
Team Scores
Team Scores - Combined Class AA and A
1. Point Pleasant (AA) 164.5
2. Herbert Hoover (AA) 142.0
3. Cameron (A) 126.0
4. Oak Glen (AA) 125.0
5. Williamstown (AA) 122.0
6. Ripley (AA) 115.0
7. Keyser (AA) 101.0
8. East Fairmont (AA) 92.0
9. Independence (AA) 80.5
10. Braxton County (A) 72.5
11. Berkeley Springs (AA) 67.5
12. Roane County (AA) 44.0
13. Greenbrier West (A) 42.0
14. Shady Spring (AA) 41.0
15. Tyler Consolidated (A) 38.5
16. East Hardy (A) 38.0
17. Wheeling Central (AA) 36.5
18. North Marion (AA) 36.0
19. Ravenswood (A) 29.5
20. South Harrison (AA) 25.5
21. Chapmanville (AA) 24.5
22. Gilmer County (A) 23.0
23. Weir (AA) 21.5
24. Frankfort (AA) 20.5
25. Doddridge County (A) 17.5
26. Midland Trail (A) 17.0
27. Philip Barbour (AA) 15.0
28. Ritchie County (A) 14.0
29. Moorefield (A) 13.5
30. (tie)Petersburg (A) 11.0
30. (tie)Lewis County (AA) 11.0
32. Clay County (AA) 10.0
33. Wahama (A) 9.0
34. St. Marys (A) 8.0
35. Elkins (AA) 7.0
36. Poca (AA) 6.5
37. Grafton (AA) 6.0
38. Liberty Raleigh (AA) 5.0
39. (tie)Calhoun County (A) 4.0
39. (tie)Robert C. Byrd (AA) 4.0
41. (tie)Nicholas County (AA) 3.0
41. (tie)Wirt County (A) 3.0
43. Man (A) 2.5
44. (tie)Logan (A) 1.0
44. (tie)Liberty Harrison (AA) 1.0
46. (tie)Buffalo (AA) 0.0
46. (tie)Lincoln (AA) 0.0
46. (tie)Magnolia (A) 0.0
46. (tie)Meadow Bridge (A) 0.0
46. (tie)Mingo Central (A) 0.0
46. (tie)PikeView (AA) 0.0
46. (tie)Richwood (A) 0.0
46. (tie)River View (A) 0.0
44. (tie)Sissonville (AA) 0.0
44. (tie)Webster County (A) 0.0
Team Scores - Class AA
1. Point Pleasant (AA) 164.5
2. Herbert Hoover (AA) 142.0
3. Oak Glen (AA) 125.0
4. Williamstown (AA) 122.0
5. Ripley (AA) 115.0
6. Keyser (AA) 101.0
7. East Fairmont (AA) 92.0
8. Independence (AA) 80.5
9. Berkeley Springs (AA) 67.5
10. Roane County (AA) 44.0
11. Shady Spring (AA) 41.0
12. Wheeling Central (AA) 36.5
13. North Marion (AA) 36.0
14. South Harrison (AA) 25.5
15. Chapmanville (AA) 24.5
16. Weir (AA) 21.5
17. Frankfort (AA) 20.5
18. Philip Barbour (AA) 15.0
19. Lewis County (AA) 11.0
20. Clay County (AA) 10.0
21. Elkins (AA) 7.0
22. Poca (AA) 6.5
23. Grafton (AA) 6.0
24. Liberty Raleigh (AA) 5.0
25. Nicholas County (AA) 3.0
26. Liberty Harrison (AA) 1.0
27. (tie)Buffalo (AA) 0.0
27. (tie)Lincoln (AA) 0.0
27. (tie)PikeView (AA) 0.0
27. (tie)Robert C. Byrd (AA) 0.0
27. (tie)Sissonville (AA) 0.0

Team Scores - Class A
1. Cameron (A) 126.0
2. Braxton County (A) 72.5
3. Greenbrier West (A) 42.0
4. Tyler Consolidated (A) 38.5
5. East Hardy (A) 38.0
6. Ravenswood (A) 29.5
7. Gilmer County (A) 23.0
8. Doddridge County (A) 17.5
9. Midland Trail (A) 17.0
10. Ritchie County (A) 14.0
11. Moorefield (A) 13.5
12. Petersburg (A) 11.0
13. Wahama (A) 9.0
14. St. Marys (A) 8.0
15. Wirt County (A) 3.0
16. Man (A) 2.5
17. (tie)Logan (A) 1.0
17. (tie)Liberty Harrison (AA) 1.0
19. (tie)Calhoun County (A) 0.0
19. (tie)Magnolia (A) 0.0
19. (tie)Meadow Bridge (A) 0.0
19. (tie)Mingo Central (A) 0.0
19. (tie)Richwood (A) 0.0
19. (tie)River View (A) 0.0
19. (tie)Webster County (A) 0.0


AA-A Individual State Champions (photos coming soon)

Podium Photos Coming Soon

AA Championship Team: Point Pleasant
AA Runner-Up Team: Herbert Hoover

Outstanding Wrestler Award: Josh Woyan, Point Pleasant
AA Dix Manning Coaching Award: Richard Harper, Herbert Hoover

A Championship Team: Cameron
A Runner-Up Team: Braxton County

A Outstanding Wrestler Award Winner: Dallas Goodrich, Gilmer County (Photo not available)
A Mike Stump Coaching Award: Sterling Beane, Braxton County

National Federation Officials Associaction Active Award - 2024 Official of the Year: J. D. Beard
National Federation Coaches Association Active Award - 2024 Wrestling Coach of the Year: Codie Gustines, Washington
Snyder-Miller Media Award: Chapin Jewel, Mineral County News

2025 State Wrestling Officials: Tommy Dodd, Jr., Marquis Frazier, Steven Tincher, Ed Bishop, D. J. Beard, Brian Cunningham, Keven King, Stephen Stoffel,
Jim Copney, Tim Collins, Eric VanSlyke, Thomas Regis, Dustin Yoakum, Joe Rector, Tucker Brown, Bobby Jenks, Josh Smith, Matthew Vance, Kerry Anthony

Tournament program cover design
by Lillian Shannon, Greenbrier East High School
FOLLOW THIS LINK to digital program

Place Winners
Weight: 106
1st: Matthew Kesterson, Greenbrier West Soph 47-4
2nd: Dallas Goodrich, Gilmer County Fr 36-3
3rd: Orion Taylor, Herbert Hoover Sr 38-8
4th: Wes Files, Frankfort Soph 44-4
5th: Maverick Lilley, Cameron Fr 28-18
6th: Jordan Tomsic, Oak Glen Soph 33-17
Weight: 113
1st: Josh Bostic, Herbert Hoover Fr 32-3
2nd: Eligah Parsell, Berkeley Springs Jr 29-9
3rd: Aiden Meeks, Williamstown Jr 33-11
4th: Aiden Anderson, Oak Glen Sr 33-18
5th: Trey McDonough, Doddridge County Jr 52-3
6th: Kaydan Durr, Keyser Soph 39-14
Weight: 120
1st: Dutch Sandy, Williamstown Fr 34-1
2nd: Hunter Hughart, Herbert Hoover Jr 48-5
3rd: Maddox Lewis, South Harrison Sr 48-4
4th: Tyler Varney, Independence Fr 43-14
5th: Zayden Cordeiro, Ritchie County Fr 36-10
6th: Austin McKenzie, Greenbrier West Sr 44-6
Weight: 126
1st: Jackson Swingle, Keyser Soph 46-5
2nd: Braxton Birch, Cameron Soph 27-3
3rd: Cole Smith, Williamstown Soph 33-6
4th: Kendrick Durst, Ripley Fr 40-13
5th: Xaden Willett, East Fairmont Sr 23-13
6th: Daniel Clark, Berkeley Springs Sr 35-11
Weight: 132
1st: Carter Price, Point Pleasant Soph 41-4
2nd: Noah Hess, North Marion Sr 46-4
3rd: Kaden Hensley, Chapmanville Soph 43-8
4th: Luke Kelly, Braxton County Jr 59-10
5th: Wyatt Wolanski, Oak Glen Jr 27-12
6th: Linkin Andrick, Ravenswood Soph 33-15
Weight: 138
1st: Gunner Andrick, Point Pleasant Sr 58-4
2nd: Lane Metcalf, Keyser Soph 41-10
3rd: Marshall Crow, Cameron Soph 29-11
4th: Logan Graham, Oak Glen Jr 26-17
5th: Colsen Spragg, Tyler Consolidated Sr 39-12
6th: Devin Hensley, Chapmanville Soph 37-12
Weight: 144
1st: Blake Ringer, East Fairmont Jr 48-2
2nd: Hayden Lamb, Oak Glen Sr 31-9
3rd: Mars Coste, Point Pleasant Sr 43-7
4th: Talen Brown, Cameron Fr 46-11
5th: Mason Philyaw, Ripley Jr 23-20
6th: Landon Bush, Lewis County Jr 47-13
Weight: 150
1st: Slaton Pettit, Cameron Sr 40-3
2nd: Paxton Smith, Braxton County Jr 61-8
3rd: Bobby Minor, Point Pleasant Jr 45-8
4th: Kolton Fields, Herbert Hoover Sr 37-16
5th: Garrett Brown, Ripley Sr 31-13
6th: Tanner Detrick, Keyser Sr 35-13
Weight: 157
1st: Eli Tedrow, Cameron Soph 49-5
2nd: Ethan Kay, Ripley Sr 42-5
3rd: Kipp Freed, Williamstown Sr 43-8
4th: Branson Winfrey, Tyler Consolidated Sr 39-8
5th: Alek Detrick, Keyser Sr 36-16
6th: Lukas Wolford, Petersburg Jr 34-4
Weight: 165
1st: Tony Preolitti, East Fairmont Soph 34-3
2nd: Kollin Sullivan, Berkeley Springs Sr 37-6
3rd: Jake Eden, Herbert Hoover Sr 46-10
4th: Blake Dauch, Point Pleasant Sr 28-11
5th: Brayden Hart, Independence Soph 39-13
6th: Trenton Bush, Ravenswood Sr 24-5
Weight: 175
1st: Josh Woyan, Point Pleasant Sr 40-3
2nd: Louis Diaz, East Fairmont Soph 35-11
3rd: Eliah Moore, Braxton County Jr 54-9
4th: Toby Michael, North Marion Jr 27-13
5th: Ben Bryan, Weir Jr 44-11
6th: Wyatt Nichols, Roane County Jr 48-11
Weight: 190
1st: Jesse Adams, Independence Jr 52-1
2nd: Cooper Durst, Ripley Sr 44-5
3rd: Greg Sauers, Oak Glen Sr 45-14
4th: Gabe Knoblet, Shady Spring Sr 41-10
5th: Cooper Craig, Point Pleasant Jr 41-14
6th: Cruz Tompkins, Midland Trail Jr 41-12
Weight: 215
1st: Isaac Martin, Wheeling Central Jr 47-3
2nd: Lane Watson, Roane County Sr 37-2
3rd: Garrett VanMeter, East Hardy Soph 28-4
4th: Thad Trent, Williamstown Sr 39-14
5th: Joey Cowger, Shady Spring Jr 42-11
6th: Caden Hill, Point Pleasant Jr 35-14
Weight: 285
1st: Connor Facemire, Herbert Hoover Sr 48-5
2nd: Noah Schmidt, Oak Glen Sr 43-8
3rd: Carter Neal, Ripley Jr 43-6
4th: Jake Anderson, Keyser Sr 41-10
5th: Malachi Cross, Philip Barbour Jr 53-17
6th: Sean O'Callaghan, East Hardy Soph 40-8

Final Results

106 Matthew Kesterson (Greenbrier West) dec. Dallas Goodrich (Gilmer County), 12-10
113 Josh Bostic (Herbert Hoover) p. Eligah Parsell (Berkeley Springs), 2:34
120 Dutch Sandy (Williamstown) tech. fall Hunter Hughart (Herbert Hoover), 18-3
126 Jackson Swingle (Keyser) dec. Braxton Birch (Cameron), 5-0
132 Carter Price (Point Pleasant) dec. Noah Hess (North Marion), 4-1
138 Gunner Andrick (Point Pleasant) dec. Lane Metcalf (Keyser), 7-1
144 Blake Ringer (East Fairmont) dec. Hayden Lamb (Oak Glen), 2-0
150 Slaton Pettit (Cameron) dec. Paxton Smith (Braxton County), 6-1
157 Eli Tedrow (Cameron) dec. Ethan Kay (Ripley), 10-4
165 Tony Preolitti (East Fairmont) p. Kollin Sullivan (Berkeley Springs), 2:53
175 Josh Woyan (Point Pleasant) tech. fall Louis Diaz (East Fairmont), 16-1
190 Jesse Adams (Independence) maj. dec. Cooper Durst (Ripley), 9-1
215 Isaac Martin (Wheeling Central) dec. Lane Watson (Roane County), 5-2
285 Connor Facemire (Herbert Hoover) maj. dec. Noah Schmidt (Oak Glen), 12-3

106 Orion Taylor (Herbert Hoover) p. Wes Files (Frankfort), 3:27
113 Aiden Meeks (Williamstown) maj. dec. Aiden Anderson (Oak Glen), 13-3
120 Maddox Lewis (South Harrison) p. Tyler Varney (Independence), 0:53
126 Cole Smith (Williamstown) dec. Kendrick Durst (Ripley), 2-1
132 Kaden Hensley (Chapmanville) dec. Luke Kelly (Braxton County), 5-3
138 Marshall Crow (Cameron) maj. dec. Logan Graham (Oak Glen), 10-2
144 Mars Coste (Point Pleasant) dec. Talen Brown (Cameron), 6-3
150 Bobby Minor (Point Pleasant) dec. Kolton Fields (Herbert Hoover), 13-6
157 Kipp Freed (Williamstown) dec. Branson Winfrey (Tyler Consolidated), 10-4
165 Jake Eden (Herbert Hoover) dec. Blake Dauch (Point Pleasant), 7-4
175 Eliah Moore (Braxton County) maj. dec. Toby Michael (North Marion), 13-3
190 Greg Sauers (Oak Glen) dec. Gabe Knoblet (Shady Spring), 7-0
215 Garrett VanMeter (East Hardy) p. Thad Trent (Williamstown), 4:35
285 Carter Neal (Ripley) p. Jake Anderson (Keyser), 1:43

5th Place
106 Maverick Lilley (Cameron) dec. Jordan Tomsic (Oak Glen), 3-0
113 Trey McDonough (Doddridge County) dec. Kaydan Durr (Keyser), 13-9
120 Zayden Cordeiro (Ritchie County) p. Austin McKenzie (Greenbrier West), 0:41
126 Xaden Willett (East Fairmont) maj. dec. Daniel Clark (Berkeley Springs), 12-4
132 Wyatt Wolanski (Oak Glen) p. Linkin Andrick (Ravenswood), 2:04
138 Colsen Spragg (Tyler Consolidated) p. Devin Hensley (Chapmanville), 1:21
144 Mason Philyaw (Ripley) tech. fall Landon Bush (Lewis County), 15-0
150 Garrett Brown (Ripley) tech. fall Tanner Detrick (Keyser), 16-0
157 Alek Detrick (Keyser) won via injury default over Lukas Wolford (Petersburg)
165 Brayden Hart (Independence) dec. Trenton Bush (Ravenswood), 5-3
175 Ben Bryan (Weir) dec. Wyatt Nichols (Roane County), 3-0
190 Cooper Craig (Point Pleasant) won via injury default over Cruz Tompkins (Midland Trail)
215 Joey Cowger (Shady Spring) dec. Caden Hill (Point Pleasant), 4-2
285 Malachi Cross (Philip Barbour) dec. Sean OCallaghan (East Hardy), 6-0

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