Virginia Wrestling

Buckeye Local 47 University 33

Wheeling Domino Duals

103 -- Kerdjorski BL p Burnsworth 2nd
112 -- Kinsley U d Ressiter 6-4
119 -- Rongers U p Vargo 1st
125 -- Hefner U p Volk 1st
130 -- Griffin U p Hennerbert 1st
135 -- Glover BL p Balaska 2nd
140 -- Monongioutis BL p Tatar 2nd
145 -- Voiers BL p Hoover 2nd
152 -- Nester BL tf Hill
160 -- Otto BL p Fowler 1st
171 -- Benton BL via forfeit
189 -- Schaal BL p Flynn 1st
215 -- Murphy U p Vernoal 2nd
275 -- Boyd U p McGuire 3nd

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