West Virginia Wrestling

Roane Co 42 Clay Co 36

Date 12/29/98
   Roane Co        win/loss  score        Clay Co

103  Travis Whited  w         0-0            Forfeit

112  forfeit                                      Forfeit  

119  Matt Mitchell  w         pin 1:22       N.Duffield

125  forfeit                  l              0-0                 J.Duffield

130  forfeit        l         0-0            J.Minger       
135  Kevin Whited   w         pin :46        G.Nicholson

140  Travis Kimble  l         pin 2:43            Swindler 

145  forfeit        l         0-0            Jarrett

152      Forfeit              l                   0-0            Taylor

160  Josh Cordiero  w         pin 1:15       Raynor    

171  Lonnie Nichols w         pin 1:12            Mosley     
189  Scottie Collins          w              pin 2:27                 Miller 

215  Robert Welsh   w         pin 2:42       Pritt   

275  Ty Ellis       l         pin 3:05       McDonough 

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