West Virginia Wrestling

Roane Co 66 Webster Co 12

Date 12/12/98
AT Philip Barbour Duals

    Roane Co        win/loss  score          Webster Co

103  Travis Whited  w         pin            J.Lane

112  Quinton Keaton w         forfeit             

119  Matt Mitchell  w         forfeit         

125  Jason Hall               w              forfeit            

130  Kevin Whited   l         pin            R.Brown        
135  Scott Burdette w         forfeit                

140  Travis Kimble  w         forfeit                 

145  Mike Smith     l         pin            C.Tharp   

152                           forfeit             

160  Gary Nicholson w         pin            M.Wolford 

171  Josh Cordeiro  w         pin            G.Cogar  

189  Scottie Collins          w              pin       J.Sumner

215  Robert Welsh   w         pin            M.Wilson

275  Robbie Nichols w         forfeit     

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