West Virginia Wrestling

WSAZ Invitational

Date: January 28-29, 2022
Location: Huntington, WV - Mountain Health Arena

Complete tournament results at sikorasoftsystems.com/WSAZHS/

Overall Team Scores

1 Point Pleasant 200.5
2 Parkersburg Sou 193.5
3 Woodrow Wilson 176.5
4 University 165.5
5 Roselle Park 163.0
6 Staunton River 153.5
7 Christiansburg 143.0
8 Cameron 126.0
9 Skyline 125.5
10 Fairmont Sr 123.5
11 Huntington 114.0
12 Independence 110.0
13 Cabell Midland 109.0
14 St Albans 109.0
15 Braxton 104.0
16 Sissonville 94.0
17 Herbert Hoover 89.5
18 Greenbrier West 87.0
19 East Fairmont 79.0
20 Musselman 78.0
21 Riverside 74.0
22 Ripley 70.0
23 Clay County 68.5
24 Winfield 66.0
25 Nitro 63.0
26 Lewisco 57.0
27 Nicholas Co 54.0
28 Jackson 52.0
29 Willamstown 48.0
30 Oak Hill 47.5
31 Shady Spring 43.0
32 Wirt 42.5
33 Bridgeport 42.0
34 George Washingt 39.0
35 Greenbrier East 35.0
36 University1 35.0
37 St Marys 35.0
38 North Marion 34.0
39 Huntington1 32.0
40 Wahama 30.5
41 Spring Valley 30.0
42 Parkersburg So1 29.0
43 Prestonsburg 28.0
44 Point Pleasant1 23.0
45 Fairland 23.0
46 Buffalo 22.0
47 Cabell Midland1 21.0
48 Richwood 20.0
49 South Charlesto 17.0
50 Fairmont Sr1 14.5
51 Huntington2 14.0
52 Man 13.5
53 Musselman1 13.0
54 Musselman2 12.0
55 Ironton 11.0
56 Ravenswood 11.0
57 Poca 10.0
58 Skyline1 10.0
59 University2 10.0
60 Parkersburg So2 9.0
61 Ironton1 8.0
62 Gilmer 8.0
63 East Fairmont1 7.0
64 Cabell Midland2 7.0
65 Herbert Hoover1 7.0
66 Independence1 6.0
67 Wahama1 6.0
68 Willamstown1 6.0
69 Point Pleasant2 4.0
70 Skyline2 4.0
71 Roselle Park1 4.0
72 Independence2 3.0
73 St Marys1 3.0
74 Fairmont Sr2 1.0
75 Cabell Midland3 0.0
76 Bridgeport1 0.0
77 Ironton2 0.0
78 Lewisco1 0.0
79 Riverside1 0.0
80 South Charlest1 0.0
81 Shady Spring2 0.0
82 Spring Valley1 0.0
83 Spring Valley2 0.0
84 St Albans2 0.0
85 Ripley1 0.0
86 Nitro1 0.0
87 Wirt1 0.0
88 Winfield3 0.0
89 Woodrow Wilson1 0.0
90 Woodrow Wilson2 0.0
91 Woodrow Wilson3 0.0



Printable list AT THIS LINK
1 Parkersburg South 193.5
2 Woodrow Wilson 176.5
3 University 165.5
4 Staunton River 153.5
5 Christiansburg 146
6 Skyline 125.5
7 Huntington 114
8 Cabell Midland 109
9 St Albans 109
10 Musselman 78
11 Riverside 74
12 Ripley 70
13 Bridgeport 42
14 George Washington 39
15 Greenbrier East 35
16 Spring Valley 30
17 South Charleston 17

1 Point Pleasant 200.5
2 Fairmont Sr 123.5
3 Independence 110
4 Braxton 104
5 Sissionville 94
6 Herbert Hoover 89.5
7 East Fairmont 79
8 Clay Co 68.5
9 Winfield 66
10 Nitro 63
11 Lewis Co 57
12 Nicholas Co 54
13 Jackson 52
14 Oak Hill 47.5
15 Shady Spring 43
16 Wirt 42.5
17 North Marion 34
18 Ironton 11
19 Poca 10

1 Roselle Park 163
2 Cameron 126
3 Greenbrier West 87
4 Williamstown 48
5 St Marys 35
6 Wahama 31
7 Prestonsburg 28
8 Fairland 23
9 Buffalo 22
10 Richwood 20
11 Man 14
12 Ravenswood 11
13 Gilmer 8

C.Martin-9 Staunton River 1st
M.Griffin-11 Roselle Park 2nd
S.Pettit-9 Cameron 3rd
G.Johnson-9 Woodrow Wilson 4th
J.High-11 Sissonville 5th
D.Perdue-10 Independence 6th
B.McComas-9 George Washingt 7th
C.Graham-9 Fairland 8th

N.Nininger-9 Staunton River 1st
J.Bailes-9 Woodrow Wilson 2nd
L.Carpenter-11 East Fairmont 3rd
C.Salomon-9 Skyline 4th
B.Scott-11 Roselle Park 5th
T.Lilly-10 Greenbrier West 6th
G.Malone-12 Jackson 7th
J.Pauley-12 Herbert Hoover 8th

C.Blessing-10 Point Pleasant 1st
J.Goode-12 Shady Spring 2nd
B.Bosley-11 Parkersburg Sou 3rd
A.High-10 Sissonville 4th
G.Arthur-9 Huntington 5th
T.Roark-9 Woodrow Wilson 6th
Z.Minger-10 Clay County 7th
S.Randazzo-12 Roselle Park 8th

P.Alyea-11 Skyline 1st
G.Andrick-9 Point Pleasant 2nd
M.Jones-12 Fairmont Sr 3rd
J.Winters-12 Huntington1 4th
J.St.Clair-11 Huntington 5th
B.Mitchell-12 Lewisco 6th
A.Hoge-10 Cameron 7th
E.Spencer-12 George Washingt 8th

M.Harms-11 Roselle Park 1st
B.Hess-12 North Marion 2nd
B.Smith-12 Nitro 3rd
S.Holt-11 Cabell Midland 4th
R.Martin-11 Parkersburg Sou 5th
J.Domino-12 Skyline 6th
H.Spitznogle-10 Fairmont Sr 7th
A.Naternicola-9 Fairmont Sr1 8th

A.Mejia-11 Roselle Park 1st
P.Neely-11 Cameron 2nd
K.Hamilton-11 Fairmont Sr 3rd
M.Freeman-12 Point Pleasant 4th
B.Blevins-12 Greenbrier West 5th
K.Ramirez-12 Riverside 6th
T.Jones-11 Parkersburg Sou 7th
J.Green-11 Man 8th

L.Robie-12 Christiansburg 1st
L.Felix-10 University 2nd
J.Price-11 Independence 3rd
J.Bartee-12 Point Pleasant 4th
B.Haskins-12 Ripley 5th
C.Spradling-12 St Albans 6th
J.Colon-12 Roselle Park 7th
Forfeit Stauntn River 8th

D.Raike-12 Point Pleasant 1st
E.Osborne-11 Woodrow Wilson 2nd
J.Childers-12 Parkersburg Sou 3rd
T.Bush-11 Lewisco 4th
B.Barnes-9 Staunton River 5th
C.Brown-12 Jackson 6th
C.Lowe-10 Wirt 7th
W.James-11 St Albans 8th

J.Baier-11 Christiansburg 1st
C.Caron-11 Independence 2nd
M.Ayers-9 Staunton River 3rd
J.Woyan-9 Point Pleasant 4th
C.Akers-12 Prestonsburg 5th
D.Starkey-12 Bridgeport 6th
B.Cyphers-12 East Fairmont 7th
G.Legg-12 Winfield 8th

R.Shockey-10 Parkersburg Sou 1st
Z.Holstion-12 Riverside 2nd
E.Wellings-Osha-12 University 3rd
A.Angel-11 Cameron 4th
D.Hanshaw-11 Nicholas Co 5th
J.Kelly-9 Staunton River 6th
H.Burdette-12 Sissonville 7th
N.Marion-12 Cabell Midland 8th

G.Wright-10 Parkersburg Sou 1st
I.Bush-12 Cameron 2nd
N.Giompalo-11 Cabell Midland 3rd
E.Edge-11 St Albans 4th
Q.Misner-12 Huntington 5th
C.Jones-12 Nicholas Co 6th
B.Leegan-11 Braxton 7th
D.Marandola-12 Musselman 8th

B.Kehler-9 University 1st
P.Bentley-12 Musselman 2nd
D.Gue-11 Skyline 3rd
J.Jones-11 Woodrow Wilson 4th
T.Britton-12 Sissonville 5th
C.Moore-12 Braxon 6th
A.Edwards-12 Parkersburg Sou 7th
J.Miller-11 East Fairmont 8th

P.Ferrell-10 Christiansburg 1st
N.Casto-11 Clay County 2nd
C.Houser-11 St Marys 3rd
J.Allen-11 St Albans 4th
T.Mullins-11 Greenbrier East 5th
Z.Huffman-11 Winfield 6th
S.Worstell-11 Nitro 7th
A.Goodson-12 Independence 8th

A.Lacoma-12 Christiansburg 1st
J.Evans-12 Woodrow Wilson 2nd
R.Martin-10 Huntington 3rd
M.Atkinson-12 Herbert Hoover 4th
C.McCann-11 Spring Valley 5th
C.Turney-12 University 6th
K.Weaver-10 Point Pleasant 7th
E.Morris-11 Clay County 8th

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