West Virginia Wrestling

Keyser 39 Oak Glen 36

Date: 1/22/2022
Location: North Marion Quad

106 Logan Davis (OG) fall Judy (K)
113 Double Forfeit
120 Guy (K) Dec. Hayden Lamb (OG) 6-4
126 CJ Duty (OG) fall House (K)
132 T. Detrick (K) wins by forfeit
138 A. Detrick (K) wins by forfeit
145 Shoemaker (K) wins by forfeit
152 Braxton Dlugopolski (OG)fall Rhodes (K)
160 Rotruck (K) win by forfeit
170 Joey Barganski (OG) fall Anderson
182 Greg Sauers (OG) fall McKee (K)
195 Wes Molish (OG) win by forfeit
220 Anderson (K) win by forfeit
285 Ratliff (K) win by forfeit

Joey Barganski (OG) fall Paugh (K)

Submitted by: Patrick McGillian

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