West Virginia Wrestling
Scores and Results - High School and College
January - November 2009
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High School Dual Meet, Tri, Quad, or Duals Tournament
High School Bracketed Tournament
07/25/2009 ASICS/Vaughan Junior & Cadet National Championships, Fargo
04/05/2009 NHSCA Nationals, Virginia Beach
04/04/2009 NHSCA Open - WV Qualifier
03/15/2009 USGWA West Virginia Open Championships
03/15/2009 West Virginia All-Stars 24 WPIAL All-Stars 21
02/21/2009 AA/A Region 1 Tournament
02/21/2009 AA/A Region 2 Tournament
02/21/2009 AA/A Region 3 Tournament
02/21/2009 AA/A Region 4 Tournament
02/21/2009 AAA Region 1 Tournament
02/21/2009 AAA Region 2 Tournament
02/21/2009 AAA Region 3 Tournament
02/21/2009 AAA Region 4 Tournament
02/14/2009 Braxton 43 Liberty Harrison 33
02/14/2009 Braxton County 36 Petersburg 23
02/14/2009 Braxton County 39 Clay-Battelle 15
02/14/2009 Braxton County 51 Philip Barbour 10
02/14/2009 Bridgeport 36 Tyler Consolidated 34
02/14/2009 Bridgeport 39 Petersburg 30
02/14/2009 Bridgeport 48 X-Team 18
02/14/2009 Clay-Battelle 30 Philip Barbour 18
02/14/2009 Clay-Battelle 30 Tyler Consolidated 24
02/14/2009 Grafton 42 Bridgeport 25
02/14/2009 Grafton 55 Liberty Harrison 24
02/14/2009 Grafton 59 X-team 24
02/14/2009 Grafton 60 Tyler Consolidated 6
02/14/2009 Grafton Duals, Team Summary
02/14/2009 Huntington 38 University 31
02/14/2009 Liberty Harrison 42 Philip Barbour 31
02/14/2009 Liberty Harrison 43 Petersburg 31
02/14/2009 Liberty Harrison 52 Clay Battelle 24
02/14/2009 Musselman Invitational
02/14/2009 Parkersburg South 60 St Clairsvile 22
02/14/2009 Parkersburg South 76 Spring Valley 0
02/14/2009 Parkersburg South B 38 Braxton County 32
02/14/2009 Parkersburg South B 42 Grafton 33
02/14/2009 Parkersburg South B 48 Bridgeport 27
02/14/2009 Parkersburg South B 57 X-Team 18
02/14/2009 Parkersburg South B 68 Tyler Consolidated 12
02/14/2009 Petersburg 36 Philip Barbour 24
02/14/2009 Petersburg 45 Clay-Battelle 18
02/14/2009 Philip Barbour 33 X-Team 24
02/14/2009 Roane Raider Cup
02/14/2009 St Clairsville 36 Spring Valley 34
02/14/2009 Tyler Consolidated 40 X-Team 30
02/12/2009 Cabell Midland 34 George Washington 30
02/12/2009 Cabell Midland 54 Ripley 27
02/12/2009 Cabell Midland 61 Riverside 15
02/12/2009 George Washington 45 Ripley 25
02/12/2009 George Washington 72 Riverside 12
02/12/2009 Ripley 39 Riverside 33
02/11/2009 Calhoun County 45 Herbert Hoover 27
02/11/2009 Calhoun County 64 Wirt County 15
02/11/2009 Edison (OH) 54 Weirton Madonna 30
02/11/2009 Edison 48 Wheeling Central 24
02/11/2009 Liberty Harrison 48 Ravenswood 9
02/11/2009 Liberty Harrison 54 Ritchie County 12
02/11/2009 Morgantown 54 Lincoln 30
02/11/2009 Morgantown 60 South Harrison 24
02/11/2009 Morgantown 60 Webster County 18
02/11/2009 North Marion 33 University 32
02/11/2009 Parkersburg South 42 Huntington 21
02/11/2009 Ripley 37 Independence 34
02/11/2009 Ripley 60 Nicholas County 18
02/11/2009 Weirton Madonna 36 Wheeling Central 12
02/11/2009 Williamstown 63 Liberty Harrison 12
02/11/2009 Williamstown 76 Ritchie County 3
02/11/2009 Williamstown 82 Ravenswood 0
02/10/2009 East Fairmont 52 Morgantown 24
02/10/2009 East Fairmont 62 Lewis County 16
02/10/2009 Grafton 51 Magnolia 11
02/10/2009 Grafton 52 Lincoln 30
02/10/2009 Grafton 66 Philip Barbour 12
02/10/2009 Lewis County 45 Morgantown 33
02/07/2009 Big 10 Conference Championships
02/07/2009 Coalfield Conference Championships
02/07/2009 Little Kanawha Conference Championships
02/07/2009 MSAC Tournament
02/07/2009 NCAC Tournament
02/07/2009 Parkersburg South B Results - Magnolia Invitational
02/07/2009 Potomac Valley Converence Championships
02/06/2009 Cardinal Conference Quad
02/05/2009 East Fairmont 51 Preston 30
02/05/2009 Keyser 54 Preston 24
02/05/2009 Northern Garrett 72 Preston 12
02/05/2009 Southern Garrett 51 East Fairmont 25
02/04/2009 Frankfort 39 Alleghany 33
02/04/2009 Grafton 43 Morgantown 42
02/04/2009 Grafton 46 Parkersburg 28
02/04/2009 Hyndman 39 Frankfort 32
02/04/2009 Keyser 51 Frankfort 21
02/04/2009 Parkersburg South 50 John Marshall 12
02/04/2009 University 78 Preston 6
02/04/2009 Williamstown 42 Grafton 35
02/04/2009 Williamstown 58 Morgantown 12
02/04/2009 Williamstown 63 Parkersburg 12
02/03/2009 John Marshall 31 University 27
02/03/2009 John Marshall 64 Morgantown 14
02/03/2009 Morgantown 41 Parkersburg 39
01/31/2009 *Bob Zide Rumble - Williamstown
01/31/2009 *West Virginia Duals - Summary
01/31/2009 Bellaire OH (B) 31 Kiski Area PA (KA) 27
01/31/2009 Bellaire OH (B) 53 Ripley (R) 18
01/31/2009 Bellaire OH (B) 54 Springboro OH (S) 20
01/31/2009 Bellaire OH (B) 74 Greenbrier East (GE) 6
01/31/2009 Berkeley Springs 45 Grafton 36
01/31/2009 Clarksburg, MD 46 Washington 27
01/31/2009 Clay County Bob Stover Classic
01/31/2009 Cloverleaf OH (CL) 47 Lewis County (LC) 34
01/31/2009 Cloverleaf OH (CL) 54 Springboro OH (S) 30
01/31/2009 East Fairmont (EF) 45 Cloverleaf OH (CL) 26
01/31/2009 East Fairmont (EF) 51 Roane County (RC) 21
01/31/2009 Grafton 34 Keyser 33
01/31/2009 Grafton 60 Lincoln 21
01/31/2009 Grafton 62 X-team 6
01/31/2009 Grafton 72 Philip Barbour 12
01/31/2009 Greenbrier East (GE) 36 St. Albans (SA) 33
01/31/2009 John Marshall 33 North Marion 21
01/31/2009 Kiski Area PA (KA) 51 Roane County (RC) 25
01/31/2009 Kiski Area PA (KA) 59 Parkersburg (P) 22
01/31/2009 Lewis County (LC) 39 East Fairmont (EF) 35
01/31/2009 Liberty Harrison 48 Philip Barbour 22
01/31/2009 Liberty Harrison 60 X-Team 24
01/31/2009 North Caroline, MD 53 Washington 19
01/31/2009 Oak Glen 60 North Marion 6
01/31/2009 Parkersburg (P) 49 Greenbrier East (GE) 30
01/31/2009 Parkersburg (P) 54 Springboro OH (S) 27
01/31/2009 Parkersburg (P) 57 St. Albans (SA) 21
01/31/2009 Parkersburg South (PS) 36 Kiski Area PA (KA) 23
01/31/2009 Parkersburg South (PS) 50 Ripley (R) 15
01/31/2009 Parkersburg South (PS) 73 St. Albans (SA) 3
01/31/2009 Ripley (R) 50 South B (PS2) 18
01/31/2009 Roane County (RC) 52 St. Albans (SA) 24
01/31/2009 Roane County (RC) 62 Greenbrier East (GE) 18
01/31/2009 South B (PS2) 36 Springboro OH (S) 37
01/31/2009 South B (PS2) 42 St. Albans (SA) 30
01/31/2009 Springboro OH (S) 33 Roane County (RC) 31
01/31/2009 Tabb, MD 37 Washington 29
01/31/2009 Washington 37 Bethesda- Chevy Chase, MD 30
01/31/2009 Washington 54 Walkersville, MD 24
01/31/2009 Wheeling Park (WP) 38 East Fairmont (EF) 30
01/31/2009 Wheeling Park (WP) 44 Cloverleaf OH (CL) 23
01/31/2009 Wheeling Park (WP) 48 Lewis County (LC) 17
01/31/2009 Wheeling Park (WP) 48 South B (PS2) 29
01/30/2009 ABP Spalding MD 60 Washington 6
01/30/2009 Bellaire OH (B) 49 Cloverleaf OH (CL) 17
01/30/2009 Bellaire OH (B) 56 Lewis County (LC) 15
01/30/2009 Bellaire OH (B) 66 St. Albans (SA) 15
01/30/2009 Berkeley Springs 36 Liberty Harrison 25
01/30/2009 Berkeley Springs 39 Frankfort 24
01/30/2009 Berkeley Springs 43 Keyser 33
01/30/2009 Berkeley Springs 48 Philip Barbour 25
01/30/2009 Cloverleaf OH (CL) 60 St. Albans (SA) 19
01/30/2009 Cloverleaf OH (CL) 60 Greenbrier East (GE) 21
01/30/2009 East Fairmont (EF) 45 Parkersburg (P) 34
01/30/2009 East Fairmont (EF) 57 South B (PS2) 9
01/30/2009 Grafton 48 Liberty 30
01/30/2009 Grafton 50 Frankfort 25
01/30/2009 Grafton 61 Petersburg 11
01/30/2009 Grafton 71 Moorefield 0
01/30/2009 Harford Tech MD 42 Washington 23
01/30/2009 Keyser 46 Liberty Harrison 24
01/30/2009 Kiski Area PA (KA) 36 Wheeling Park (WP) 30
01/30/2009 Kiski Area PA (KA) 44 East Fairmont (EF) 29
01/30/2009 Kiski Area PA (KA) 45 Ripley (R) 22
01/30/2009 Kiski Area PA (KA) 59 South B (PS2) 17
01/30/2009 Lewis County (LC) 51 Springboro OH (S) 24
01/30/2009 Lewis County (LC) 52 Greenbrier East (GE) 21
01/30/2009 Lewis County (LC) 64 St. Albans (SA) 16
01/30/2009 Liberty Harrison 41 Frankfort 40
01/30/2009 Liberty Harrison 42 Petersburg 37
01/30/2009 Liberty Harrison 60 Moorefield 21
01/30/2009 Magruder MD 63 Washington 12
01/30/2009 Parkersburg (P) 42 Roane County (RC) 40
01/30/2009 Parkersburg South (PS) 47 Bellaire OH (B) 12
01/30/2009 Parkersburg South (PS) 51 Springboro OH (S) 20
01/30/2009 Parkersburg South (PS) 61 Cloverleaf OH (CL) 9
01/30/2009 Parkersburg South (PS) 63 Lewis County (LC) 13
01/30/2009 Parkersburg South (PS) 81 Greenbrier East (GE) 0
01/30/2009 Ripley (R) 38 Wheeling Park (WP) 30
01/30/2009 Ripley (R) 43 East Fairmont (EF) 31
01/30/2009 Ripley (R) 44 Parkersburg (P) 27
01/30/2009 Ripley (R) 47 Roane County (RC) 27
01/30/2009 Roane County (RC) 43 South B (PS2) 28
01/30/2009 South B (PS2) 48 Parkersburg (P) 24
01/30/2009 Springboro OH (S) 44 Greenbrier East (GE) 30
01/30/2009 St. Albans (SA) 27 Springboro OH (S) 23
01/30/2009 Wheeling Park (WP) 49 Roane County (RC) 25
01/30/2009 Wheeling Park (WP) 54 Parkersburg (P) 21
01/24/2009 Bridgeport 41 Liberty Harrison 31
01/24/2009 Calhoun Invitational
01/24/2009 Chippewa (Ohio) 57 Morgantown 18
01/24/2009 Clay Battelle 42 Liberty Harrison 34
01/24/2009 Crooksville, OH 63 Wahama 6
01/24/2009 East Fairmont 54 Morgantown 24
01/24/2009 Grafton 40 Bridgeport 33
01/24/2009 Grafton 43 Lewis County 33
01/24/2009 Grafton 54 Preston 29
01/24/2009 Grafton 60 Clay Battelle 18
01/24/2009 Grafton 66 South Harrison 12
01/24/2009 Hedgesville 44 Warren County, VA 27
01/24/2009 Hedgesville 54 Martinsburg 14
01/24/2009 Herbert Hoover 58 Morgantown 12
01/24/2009 Lewis County 65 Liberty Harrison 12
01/24/2009 Lewis County 76 Preston 6
01/24/2009 Lewis County 78 South Harrison 6
01/24/2009 Lewis County 84 Clay Battelle 0
01/24/2009 Nicholas County 39 Morgantown 35
01/24/2009 OVAC Tournament
01/24/2009 Preston Co. 41 Liberty Harrison 27
01/24/2009 Robert C. Byrd 42 Morgantown 39
01/24/2009 South Harrison 42 Liberty Harrison 36
01/24/2009 West Virginia Army National Guard Duals - Summersville
01/24/2009 WSAZ Invitational
01/23/2009 Morgantown 48 Shady Spring 27
01/23/2009 Morgantown 53 Richwood 18
01/23/2009 Morgantown 58 Bristol (Virginia) 12
01/23/2009 Morgantown 78 Princeton 6
01/22/2009 North Marion 39 Fairmont Senior 25
01/22/2009 Poca 48 Ravenswood 12
01/22/2009 Poca 60 South Charleston 12
01/22/2009 Ravenswood 36 South Charleston 30
01/21/2009 Braxton 46 Clay 21
01/21/2009 Lewis County 41 Clay County 31
01/21/2009 Parkersburg South 68 Parkersburg High 9
01/17/2009 Braxton County Invitational
01/17/2009 Chesapeake Panther Duals (Spr Valley, Winfield, Lincoln )
01/17/2009 Colonial Forge VA 37 Parkersburg South 29
01/17/2009 Lakewood St. Edward OH 50 Parkersburg South 15
01/17/2009 Oak Glen 27 Wheeling Park 26
01/17/2009 Winners Choice - Fairmont
01/15/2009 Huntington 33 Cabell Midland 30
01/13/2009 Buckhannon 66 Bridgeport 10
01/13/2009 Buckhannon 66 Preston 15
01/13/2009 East Fairmont 45 Buckhannon-Upshur 30
01/13/2009 Hedgesville 60 Martinsburg 12
01/13/2009 Hedgesville 61 Musselman 18
01/13/2009 Hurricane 52 Poca 21
01/13/2009 Lewis County 72 Clay Battelle 4
01/13/2009 Lewis County 72 South Harrison 12
01/13/2009 Lewis County 75 Philip Barbour 6
01/13/2009 North Marion 37 East Fairmont 28
01/13/2009 Parkersburg 37 Buckhannon-Upshur 36
01/13/2009 University 36 Buckhannon-Upshur 30
01/13/2009 Winfield 42 Hurricane 36
01/13/2009 Winfield 60 Poca 15
01/10/2009 Brunswick MD 50 Frankfort 26
01/10/2009 Cameron Tri-State Invitational
01/10/2009 East Fairmont 36 University 33
01/10/2009 Frankfort 45 St James 30
01/10/2009 Jackson County Invitational
01/10/2009 Jefferson Invitational
01/10/2009 Marlington, OH 38 Williamstown 33
01/10/2009 Middletown MD 54 Frankfort 24
01/10/2009 Norristown PA 61 Frankfort 4
01/10/2009 Parkersburg South 44 Barberton 23
01/10/2009 Parkersburg South 48 Barberton 21 - Mdbrk Duals Champ Match
01/10/2009 Parkersburg South 54 John Marshall 15
01/10/2009 Parkersburg South 58 Cambridge 14
01/10/2009 Pat Vance Invitational - Nitro
01/10/2009 RC Byrd 40 Bridgeport 27
01/10/2009 Sheridan, OH 40 Williamstown 33
01/10/2009 Tuscarora MD 57 Frankfort 20
01/10/2009 University 36 Buckhannon 30
01/10/2009 University 49 Parkersburg 25
01/10/2009 Williamstown 34 Cambridge, OH 33
01/10/2009 Williamstown 37 Big Walnut, OH 36
01/09/2009 Berkeley Springs 45 Morgantown 36
01/09/2009 Fort Hill MD 56 Frankfort 23
01/09/2009 Frankfort 40 Hyndman PA 39
01/09/2009 Frankfort 52 Allegany MD 27
01/09/2009 Morgantown 46 Preston 27
01/09/2009 Morgantown 72 South Harrison 11
01/09/2009 New Philadelphia, OH 47 Williamstown 24
01/09/2009 Parkersburg South 58 Granville 6
01/09/2009 Parkersburg South 61 Pymatuning Valley 9
01/09/2009 Parkersburg South 70 Southeastern 12
01/09/2009 Parkersburg South 78 Tusky Valley 6
01/09/2009 River Hill MD 64 Frankfort 16
01/09/2009 Williamstown 48 Morgan, OH 29
01/09/2009 Williamstown 53 Meadowbrook, OH 29
01/09/2009 Williamstown 58 Newark, OH 15
01/07/2009 Buckhannon-Upshur 54 Morgantown 12
01/07/2009 Fairmont Senior 48 Northern Garrett 30
01/07/2009 John Marshall 48 Parkersburg 15
01/07/2009 John Marshall 71 Brooke 0
01/07/2009 North Marion 41 Buckhannon Upshur 27
01/07/2009 North Marion 50 Morgantown 18
01/07/2009 Northern Garrett (Md) 41 University 40
01/07/2009 Oak Glen 39 Steubenville 22
01/07/2009 University 41 Fairmont Senior 18
01/06/2009 Bluefield 42 Fort Chiswell, VA 36
01/06/2009 Bluefield 72 PikeView 0
01/06/2009 Cameron 54 Bridgeport, OH 30
01/06/2009 Cameron 54 Weirton Madonna 16
01/06/2009 Cameron 66 Conotton Valley 6
01/06/2009 Graham, VA 65 Bluefield 15
01/03/2009 Brewster NY 46 Washington 24
01/03/2009 Briar Woods, VA 52 Washington 24
01/03/2009 Calhoun County 48 Roane County 30
01/03/2009 Calhoun County 51 Wirt County 21
01/03/2009 Calhoun County 52 Grafton 24
01/03/2009 Calhoun County 62 Park South 'B' 12
01/03/2009 Colonial Forge 51 Huntington 18
01/03/2009 Hayfield, Va 39 Huntington 33
01/03/2009 Huntington 42 Westfield 31
01/03/2009 McDonogh, Md 39 Huntington 25
01/03/2009 Ocean Lakes VA 38 Washington 31
01/03/2009 Parkersburg South 'B' 36 Wirt County 31
01/03/2009 Parkersburg South 'B' 42 Grafton 39
01/03/2009 Poca 48 LincolnCounty 30
01/03/2009 Poca 51 South Charleston 30
01/03/2009 Roane County 40 Parkersburg South B 39 (Criteria)
01/03/2009 Roane County 48 Grafton 33
01/03/2009 Washington 66 Rappahannock VA 12
01/03/2009 Washington 78 Ocean Lake, VA 0
01/03/2009 Winfield 54 Poca 24
01/03/2009 Wirt County 36 Roane County 34
01/03/2009 Wirt County 42 Grafton 33
01/02/2009 Beacon NY 39 Washington 36
01/02/2009 Connellswille Pa 56 Huntington 11
01/02/2009 Huntington 40 Mountain View, Va 25
01/02/2009 James W Robinson Va 45 Huntington 23
01/02/2009 Northern York PA 46 Washington 24
01/02/2009 Upper Perkiomen Pa 54 Huntington 14
01/02/2009 Washington 49 Mount Vernon VA 27
01/02/2009 Washington 51 Park View 15
01/02/2009 Washington 55 Broad Run 17
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Updated 01/07/2010