2019-20 WV-Mat Academic Honor Roll
We congratulate West Virginia High School students who have
demonstrated success in the classroom as well as in the wrestling program.
Those wrestlers and members of the team support staff* with a
GPA of 3.0 to 3.69 for the first semester/term of the current year or cumulative average are hereby named to the WV-Mat Academic Honor Roll.
Bryce Acker, Musselman
Nikayla Adams, Lewis County
Fahad Al-Rawy, University
Emily Anderson, Musselman
Justice Arbogast, Senior, Philip Barbour
Mason Atkinson, Herbert Hoover
Hannah Baker, Support Staff, Brooke
West Baker, Point Pleasant
Evan Bauso St Marys HS
Danny Bealles Oak Glen
Josh Blake Oak Glen
Ryan Bohn Fairmont Senior HS
Brennan Boron St Marys HS
Ginny Boyd, Support Staff, Brooke
Zach Brooks University HS
Brianna Burchard, Junior Mat Maid, Parkersburg South
Rory Bunner, Sophomore, Ritchie County
Tabitha Buttafuoco Fairmont Senior HS
Donald Carroll, John Marshall HS
Riley Chapman, Senior, wrestler, Shady Spring
Julius Church Lewis County High School
DJ Cochran Senior Wrestler Keyser HS
Alania Cole, Support Staff, Brooke
Alexis Cole, Support Staff, Brooke
Brice Cook Freshman Wrestler Keyser HS
Jonathan Creese Oak Glen
Jaionna Curry Musselman High School
Ethan Cochran, Cabell Midland HS
Dylan Corbin Herbert Hoover
Franklin Cunningham, Sophomore, Ritchie County
Riley Curran Doddridge County High School
Dylan Debnar, Brooke
Zach Dillon, Cabell Midland HS
Chloe Duke, Sophomore Mat Maid, Parkersburg South
Xzander Eltringham, Brooke
Connor Farley Chapmanville Regional HS
Jay Fazzolari Nitro High
Logan Fischer, Cabell Midland HS
Nathan Ford, Freshman, Parkersburg South
Tristin Fox Senior Wrestler Keyser HS
Michael Gale, Morgantown High School
Jordan Galiano Lewis County High School
Nick Gallo, Oak Glen
John George, Brooke
Kyler George, Oak Glen
Joey Gidley, University
Drue Goad Calhoun County sophomore
Joshua Goode, Junior, wrestler, Shady Spring
Tayla Grove, Freshman, wrestler, Shady Spring
Matt Hale, Cabell Midland HS
Braeden Hamilton, Freshman, Parkersburg South
Kolby Hamilton Fairmont Senior HS
Zach Hannah Calhoun County senior
Preston Harman, Morgantown HS
Kendal Haynie Point Pleasant HS
Dylan Heinrich Oak Glen
Kierra Henry Point Pleasant HS
Jakob Hickey Junior Wrestler Keyser HS
Harry Hicks Chapmanville Regional HS
Sydni Hinton, Mat Maid St Marys HS
Tanner Hoskinson Fairmont Senior HS
David Hughes Lewis County High School
Gage Iseli, Sophomore, Philip Barbour
Ian Irizarry, Senior, Parkersburg South
Brayden Johnson, Junior, Parkersburg South
Neil Johnston, Brooke
Ryder Jones, John Marshall HS
Cash Jordan Freshman Wrestler Keyser HS
Ben Kee Herbert Hoover
Dylan Knight Doddridge County High School
Ryleigh Knopp Point Pleasant HS
Liam Konchesky University HS
Michael Kritschgau University HS
Michael Kruzel Fairmont Senior HS
Boca Kubovcik Musselman High School
Will Kuhn Lewis County High School
Tressa Lamp, Mat Maid St Marys HS
Clayton Lamb Oak Glen
Dean Lamkin, Freshman, Philip Barbour
Cameron Lawrence, Morgantown HS
Becca Lamasters, Senior, 3.6 John Marshall HS
Elijah Litteral, Cabell Midland HS
Aaron Lyons Senior Wrestler Keyser HS
Ethan Marcum Point Pleasant HS
Nick Marion, Cabell Midland HS
Juan Marquez Point Pleasant HS
Logan Mason Freshman Wrestler Keyser HS
Brennan Matheny Fairmont Senior HS
Calvin Matthews University HS
Robert McClellan, Cabell Midland HS
Josh McEvoy, Brooke
Isaiah McRee Sophomore Wrestler Keyser HS
Joey Miller Musselman High School
Brady Mills Musselman High School
Andy Mines Fairmont Senior HS
Luke Modesitt, Freshman, Parkersburg South
Thomas Ethan Morgan, Senior, Wrestler, Shady Spring
Uriah Morris, Freshman, Parkersburg South
David Music, Brooke
Nate Neale, Cabell Midland HS
Kyler O'Connor Oak Glen
Mason Orndorff, John Marshall HS
Austin Pagliaro Fairmont Senior HS
Dom Parker University HS
Brent Parkhurst, Sophomore, Parkersburg South
Kevin Parson Lewis County High School
Kevin Pence, John Marshall HS
Kyle Persinger Calhoun County senior
Johnnie Porter Freshman Wrestler Keyser HS
Sadie Portillo Freshman Mat Maid Keyser HS
Zion Powell Junior Wrestler Keyser HS
Dawson Pumphrey Doddridge County High School
Derek Raike Point Pleasant HS
Daniel Rawson, Brooke
Brayden Roberts, Senior, Parkersburg South
Morgan Rogers Fairmont Senior HS
Payne Salmons Cabell Midland HS
Zoey Salmons, Cabell Midland HS
Wyatt Salmons, Cabell Midland HS
Zac Samson Point Pleasant HS
Ethan Shipp, Morgantown HS
Braxton Smith Nitro High School
Jacob Smith, Brooke
Kierra Smith Point Pleasant HS
Logan Southall Point Pleasant HS
Tyler Spencer Herbert Hoover HS
Wyatt Stanley Point Pleasant HS
Camren Stewart Freshman Wrestler Keyser HS
Jailyn Stull, Junior Mat Maid, Parkersburg South
Elle Stump Calhoun County support staff junior
Chesnee Summerfield, Sophomore Manager, Philip Barbour
Jaden Swearingen Calhoun County junior
Alan Talbott, Freshman, Parkersburg South
Clay Tanner, Ravenswood HS, Senior, Wrestler
Marko Tarley Fairmont Senior HS
Colten Tate, Freshman, wrestler, Shady Spring
Tristan Tate, Senior, wrestler, Shady Spring
Alex Thomas, John Marshall HS
Trentin Thompson, Morgantown HS
Jaxon Turner Chapmanville Regional HS
Jeremiah Vanderhans, Freshman, wrestler, Shady Spring
Joseph Vanderhans, Sophomore, wrestler, Shady Spring
Charles Varner Oak Glen
Maddison Walters Fairmont Senior HS
Travis Ward Chapmanville Regional HS
Zander Watson Point Pleasant HS
Elijah Wellings-Osha University HS
Henderson Wheeler Junior Wrestler Keyser HS
Wyatt Wilson Point Pleasant HS
Bailey Wilt, Junior, Philip Barbour
Ethan Wilt, Sophomore, Philip Barbour
Noah Wince St Marys HS
Bretton Wood, Junior, wrestler, Shady Spring
Rennick Wotring, Morgantown HS
*Support staff includes team managers, statisticians, Mat Maids,
student trainers, and other members of the team support staff.
Index for WV-Mat Academic Awards, All Years
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