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Postby forthekids » Wed Sep 05, 2018 1:25 pm

That time of year and officiating classes will be starting through out the state. This state is going to need new officials or it will be in dire straight to cover matches. PERFECT chance for everyone to step up and make the greatest sport greater. After all this site has all the experts that say how easy it is. :D

If you are interested in becoming one in box me and I will direct to correct people.

Yours truly,
Chris Diserio

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Postby Frank » Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:10 pm

After last year
I don’t think you should be the officials official spokesman.
For the kids and the integrity of the sport.
Just a thought of one of the
Many know it alls on this site.

Frank Lusher

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Postby forthekids » Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:49 pm

I am not the spoke person, I just trying to help out since I know matches will be cancelled if no officials. Secondly, I had zero issues last year and wasn't remotely involved in the sad scenario that took place. ( I assume that is what you are talking about) But I thank you for responding and I am looking forward to another great year! Hope to see you in the uniform making the sport great! For the three people who have already reached out. Thank you. Stay with it! It truly is the most rewarding thing to do! Meet great people, great kids, great coaches, and great fans!

Chris Diserio
CW 0441.

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Postby Frank » Thu Sep 06, 2018 7:10 pm

U insight and
Encourage more Drama on here, or as much as TSFofP or TSFofH combined.
With statements such as” take the class and put on the shirt or sit in the stands and be quiet. Or
Your latest about all the know it alls on here. Maybe u were joking and I’m just way to sensitive. If so I’m joking too then.

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Postby Frank » Thu Sep 06, 2018 7:19 pm

I do agree we do need to continue to recruit and train officials.
And the Wvssac needs to develop a training, evaluation, and a continuing training programs for them. And yes simple math should be part of it

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Postby wiseone » Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:12 am

To all who may be reading this thread please consider the plea for more people to sign up to take the class for officiating. WV is losing officials for various reasons. Age, job change, family are a few of the reasons. There are classes held by each officiating board in the respective areas of the state. Get out there. Ask questions. Sign up. Try it. It may not be your cup of tea. Maybe by attempting you will encourage others to take the challenge. If you find out it isn't for you then bless you. At least you gave it a try. Maybe also you and others will gain a more knowledgeable view of how and why calls are made.

It won't be for the money because none of us ever got financially rich. Just great to be a part of the educational and sports process for our youth. Maybe a small part but just maybe you can make an impression on some young people to step up and follow suit.

Thank You,

Ray Marling
OVAC Official, Ret.

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Postby Frank » Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:19 am

Nice post
I agree completely and encourage.

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Postby lovesthesport » Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:25 pm

Frank, boy you are a little sensitive this year. Lol :lol:
Do you really thing that TSFofP and TSFofH are the biggest drama starters on here? I do believe there is one that is much bigger that you conveniently left out.
These officials are human. Are they perfect? No, I don’t know anybody that is. They make mistakes. I also don’t know anybody who doesn’t do that too. While you seem to think that one incites and encourages drama, maybe you should look at it from the side of the official once. Someone always knows better and is always letting everyone know it. Those same people are the ones that yell and complain the loudest, usually by anonymity behind a keyboard, yet do nothing to influence the sport in a POSITIVE way. I see and hear first hand what some of these officials are exposed to. Most men would not be able to handle the abuse some of these officials take.
What happened in that match last year was awful, but let’s be very clear about something, they were not the only ones who could have corrected that horrible outcome. There were 2 other adult men that could have stepped up and did the right thing and didn’t.
Looking forward to a great 2018-2019 season!
Nicki Michael

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Postby guard0544 » Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:32 pm

It may be time to abandon awarding points and keeping score. Just have the official to stop and start wrestling, and watch for potentially dangerous situations. After the match is over the official presents wrestler A to the crowd, then wrestler B. Whichever wrestler receives the loudest cheers from the crowd gets their hand raised.
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Postby Gator » Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:52 pm

I can recall a young official who started out at a very young age and was only wanting to give back to the sport he grew up participating in and loved.

After about 3 years he folded to the pressure. Not from any wrestler or coach, but from parents and fans. He was a very nice and quiet young man and could not believe that adults could be so cruel. I think it takes an extra layer of skin to make tough decisions and be able to stand by them. When people start to skin you alive. it exposes nerves in some. Some can take it, some can't. In this case, the young man chose not to stay in a situation where he at times felt overwhelmed.

This was not years ago, it was recent. That young did a very good job refereeing on the mat and it's a shame he had to endure the ridicule from the adults in the stands. I've seen mob mentality push some over the edge. It happened last year in more than one case.

Yeah, I yell my displeasure at times, but I also know that we are all human. The relationships that I have made through wrestling have meant more to me than I could ever give back. Some of the coaches and refs that people dislike I call my friends. It's because I see them for something other than the coach that screams at kids to make them better or the official who blows a call or argues their point.

I've spent time getting to know them and try to accept the fact they put their pants on one leg at a time, just like me. A little kindness will go a long way and you may just get to know the person off the mat and like them.

I agree with Chris and Ray that our sport is losing the old school, experienced refs at an alarming rate and there is a need for new blood to perpetuate the profession. If it doesn't come soon, you may see a dual match with the coaches calling the matches or a tournament with shorthanded officials too exhausted to finish.

22nd row signing off..............
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Postby DWM » Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:42 pm

Gator wrote:I can recall a young official who started out at a very young age and was only wanting to give back to the sport he grew up participating in and loved.

After about 3 years he folded to the pressure. Not from any wrestler or coach, but from parents and fans. He was a very nice and quiet young man and could not believe that adults could be so cruel. I think it takes an extra layer of skin to make tough decisions and be able to stand by them. When people start to skin you alive. it exposes nerves in some. Some can take it, some can't. In this case, the young man chose not to stay in a situation where he at times felt overwhelmed.

This was not years ago, it was recent. That young did a very good job refereeing on the mat and it's a shame he had to endure the ridicule from the adults in the stands. I've seen mob mentality push some over the edge. It happened last year in more than one case.

Yeah, I yell my displeasure at times, but I also know that we are all human. The relationships that I have made through wrestling have meant more to me than I could ever give back. Some of the coaches and refs that people dislike I call my friends. It's because I see them for something other than the coach that screams at kids to make them better or the official who blows a call or argues their point.

I've spent time getting to know them and try to accept the fact they put their pants on one leg at a time, just like me. A little kindness will go a long way and you may just get to know the person off the mat and like them.

I agree with Chris and Ray that our sport is losing the old school, experienced refs at an alarming rate and there is a need for new blood to perpetuate the profession. If it doesn't come soon, you may see a dual match with the coaches calling the matches or a tournament with shorthanded officials too exhausted to finish.

22nd row signing off..............

It was an older ref that caused the mess last year, and it was the head of officiating (Callen) that said "Its not your kid, so don't worry about it. True, everyone makes mistakes, and its a difficult job, but show some integrity. I think the problem most people have is not the mistake, but how poorly it was handled afterward.

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Postby Gator » Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:54 pm

DWM wrote:It was an older ref that caused the mess last year, and it was the head of officiating (Callen) that said "Its not your kid, so don't worry about it. True, everyone makes mistakes, and its a difficult job, but show some integrity. I think the problem most people have is not the mistake, but how poorly it was handled afterward.

Could be comments like this that may keep someone from trying officiating too. Most of the refs who officiate in the state tournament are older and experienced. That's why they are there. I'm not taking sides in the situation that happened last year, I do know that coach Hart pointed out the error on more than one occasion during the match and there were two refs on the mat and official score keepers at the tables. I think Frank pointed it out that it was a math problem. I agree!
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Postby forthekids » Fri Sep 07, 2018 9:03 pm

I am sorry I started this thread. Wish I knew how to delete it. Gator and Ray thanks for the insight! What happened last year has been well posted and plenty of blame to go around. However, it has nothing to do with trying to get young people on the mat and stay with it.

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Postby coach_stump » Fri Sep 07, 2018 11:17 pm

forthekids, Don't feel sorry for starting this thread. WV wrestling will only get better if coaches and officials work on the necessary things that will make our sport better. We are in need of officials for sure. Who wants to take this challenge on with hardly any reward, only personal ones knowing that you made the right calls and the correct wrestler won. Also, we are in need of coaches that will instruct, teach, and insure that their team prepares themselves for competition for the highest level and follow a code of ethics. A reminder for those who follow wrestling, recall retired Coach Hinkle from Ravenswood about ethics. As for last years state tourney, there were way too many people involved to blame it on just one or two people. Yes, it's a shame but I would like to think that both coaching staffs knew what was correct. In my early years of coaching I was the fireball coach who blamed any loss on my better kids as a result of an official. In reality, it would mean more if I prepared my wrestler for difficult situations a tad better than blaming others. It's easy to do but hopefully we get more younger (hopefully previous wrestlers) involved in our sport and be tutored by our more veteran and experienced officials. Coach Stump

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Postby KDunbar » Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:28 am

I realize I'm not saying anything that hasn't already been said on this thread and that I'm not saying it with any more wisdom.
However, I would make two observations:
1) Should we have a separate, large, & "final" thread where everybody can once again ventilate and say the same things that they or someone else has already said about the incident at States? Would this get it out of everybody's system or will we have to rehash it every time someone brings up a discussion that uses the word "official"? No one has defended the mistake, other to say that mistakes do and will happen. I'm not defending it, minimizing it, or anything else but I'm not sure threads like this actually play any role in preventing it from happening in the future.

2) What happened in this thread would be like someone starting out a thread encouraging people to participate in wrestling as coaches or wrestlers. Then people start responding about all the "awful" examples of coaches or wrestlers that they can recall and remember from the past. On the other hand, maybe those thinking about responding to the call to officiate won't be caught off guard (as if there is any chance of that). I do know one thing for sure. As a fan of wrestling I realize that the officials are a much more vital part of the sport than I am.

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Postby coach_williams » Sat Sep 08, 2018 10:56 am

I have tremendous respect for the refs. Those guys put up with a lot of crap that their pay does not justify. I could not do it. I could not tolerate the disrespect that I see at matches and on this board for the piddly little bit of money they earn. They carry themselves with a measure of restraint and control that very few in the stands or on the edge of the mat show to them. Bad calls happen. It is not the end of the world. Yes, these kids work hard and it is a shame when their efforts are spoiled by a bad call, but it doesn't change the fact that all of these people are humans and humans make mistakes. Bad calls happen at every single tournament, in every single football game, in every single basketball game...get used to it. It is called human error and we all make mistakes.

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Postby Repoman1304 » Sat Sep 08, 2018 11:18 am

I have been the big mouth in the stands a time or but because of this thread you got at least one person that is going to step up and try, me. If the Good Lord is willing I will be in stripes on the mat this season because of this thread. I will put my money where my mouth is, so to speak... Good luck to all wrestlers, coaches and officials this season. This truly is the greatest sport ever and we all should do what we can to make it better!

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Postby Frank » Sat Sep 08, 2018 12:05 pm

Good deal

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Postby Repoman1304 » Sat Sep 08, 2018 12:42 pm

Frank wrote:Good deal

You better not be the one in the stands giving me

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Postby Frank » Sat Sep 08, 2018 12:45 pm

Ur use to taking crap

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Postby Repoman1304 » Sat Sep 08, 2018 12:48 pm

Frank wrote:Ur use to taking crap

You have no

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Postby Frank » Sat Sep 08, 2018 12:49 pm


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Postby Gator » Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:21 pm

Repoman1304 wrote:I have been the big mouth in the stands a time or but because of this thread you got at least one person that is going to step up and try, me. If the Good Lord is willing I will be in stripes on the mat this season because of this thread. I will put my money where my mouth is, so to speak... Good luck to all wrestlers, coaches and officials this season. This truly is the greatest sport ever and we all should do what we can to make it better!

That is great!!!
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Postby Truesouthfaninhunt » Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:01 pm

Frank wrote:U insight and
Encourage more Drama on here, or as much as TSFofP or TSFofH combined.
With statements such as” take the class and put on the shirt or sit in the stands and be quiet. Or
Your latest about all the know it alls on here. Maybe u were joking and I’m just way to sensitive. If so I’m joking too then.

I resent being referred to as a “drama” starter.. TSFnPkbg yes.. but not me. I consider myself a calming influence on this site.


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Postby KSRefBP » Sun Sep 09, 2018 9:02 am

I hate posting on sites because more times than not, social media causes more drama than anything.


I can guarantee you nobody feels worse about what happened in that match than all involved, directly or indirectly. I've yet to meet any official who wants to go out there and mess something up, make a bad call, or cause confusion and delay action in any way. It was an unfortunate situation, and rule is in place to allow any sort of correction on it. Perhaps that can be fixed in the future.

In my first appearance at the state tournament, I was paired with two men who has numerous state tournaments under their belt. And they went out of their way to make me comfortable and confident throughout the whole tournament. And for that, I am forever grateful to them. In my second appearance, as rotations allowed for more interaction with all officials, every official there gave me tips, pointers, and encouragement. And the gentleman who started this thread definitely made me comfortable calling my first Saturday night. Without him on the mat with me, I'm certain I would have been a nervous wreck as nothing can prepare you for that atmosphere. He kept me calm and out of trouble.

I guess my point is, sitting in the stands, you get one perception of these guys. Sometimes good. Sometimes bad. But I can tell you, each one of them care about the sport, care about the wrestlers, care about one another, and wants to get it right. It may not have looked like it last year, but I know everyone involved was looking for a way to make it right. But again, the rules (NFHS or WVSSAC) did not allow a path to make that happen. The two guys who were on the mat are great guys. One of which is one of my best buds. And I can tell you with certainty, he still beats himself up over it to this day.

I understand this message board is what it is and there will be people who like to poke and get a rise out of others. But Chris put it out there that we need officials. You can view us as the necessary evil, should you choose, but the key word is we are necessary. And without us, this sport is going to take a hit. This sport is unique and it takes a special kind of person to enjoy this sport either as a participant, coach, official, or fan. So recruiting new officials is hard. This isn't football, basketball, or baseball, where everyone watches on TV and has an idea to the rules or concept of the game. This is wrestling. And this is one of the best wrestling websites out there. So what better way to reach out to the wrestling community to find new officials? As Ray said, we don't do this for the money. As a mid 40's husband with 2 kids, this sport has me away from home every weekend from December through February. The money isn't great, but it does help ease my wallet when it comes to Christmas time. It's a perfect gig for a college student who wrestled in high school, but no longer wrestles in college and wants a little spending money. You make unbelievable friendships and connections with people who are willing to help you out when times get tough.

I'm not asking anyone to put their money where their mouth is. I'm not saying if you think you can do better, come do it. I'm saying we need you. We need people who have the passion. I promise you, we need you. Ask any official to log in to the WVSSAC site and show you how many registered officials we have at this point and you will start to worry.

Stepping off my soapbox. Stay safe this season.

Brian Pauley
Kanawha Southern Wrestling Official
Brian Pauley
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Postby Frank » Mon Sep 10, 2018 8:49 pm

Brian, u have and most of your comrades have my respect and thanks. I’m short there are three pillars in a wrestling match. 1 the wrestlers, the competitors, the most important part of this sport. 2and 3 The coaches and the refs. Both coaches and refs serve a supporting role. Mabe even a servciant role. What I find offensive is when part 2 or 3 try to out shine part 1. For the most part coaches and referees do not possess this amount of arrogance. But all three are generally Type A personalities. I just want the mat room and the wrestlers to decide who the winners are. That’s all. Professionals stay professional and wrestlers wrestle. If one can’t do that, then be a know it all fan like me on wvmat. That’s all I’m saying. No match or instances particular

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Postby Matofficial » Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:50 am

Having read most of the comments on here and the subject getting sidelined I felt the urge to throw my two cents in. First the comment on the match that allegedly ended with the wrong winner could have been corrected. I am saying this without the knowledge of the specific details. The blame and yes I am blaming the WVSSAC. Everyone always wants to put the responsibility on someone else. It all falls on the WVSSAC that includes their boards of experts and principals. If the matches were videoed the problem could have been resolved. Please don’t say it cost too much or it expands the tourney time too much. The key is it could have been corrected. This has happened every year since I began officiating in 1971. The original subject now. Again the Wvssac that runs the officiating board or lack of is horrible. Our board loses officials every year because they didn’t take a test or the they didn’t sign this or some other non essential rule. Better clinics, and less input from the WVSSAC would help tremendously. For those of you who don’t realize they require you to take two tests every year to make you a better official. The reality is their is very little correlation when it is an online open book test that you have more trouble getting online than answering the questions. In no way is this a cut to any officials. I believe that our interpreter does a great job in spite of having his hands tied by the Wvssac. We need a state officials board to have better officials not someone who played basketball or principals that have more interest in other sports than wrestling!
David Jeffrey
OW 1316
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