Attention Coach Mike Cochran

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Re: Attention Coach Mike Cochran

Postby Bearhugger » Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:06 pm

ZZChooseTop wrote:
coach_williams wrote:The whole concept that someone hiding behind a screen name would call out a coach by name, criticize him for not doing what you demand that you have a right to within the time frame you think it should be done and then everyone else pile on to express your own opinion of how other people should be doing things, where they should be doing them, and when they should be doing them is an absolute joke. People need to get a clue. You are not the most important thing in a coach's day. The more you act like this, anonymously hiding behind a keyboard and throwing your childish temper tantrums, the less coaches care about posting scores and results for your entertainment or even coming on this site.

If that was directed at me then I would ask you to re-read my post. Winfield mom said that time constraints for coaches and volunteers was the reason for not posting results. I provided what I thought was a reasonable solution. I didn't demand a time frame, it just seems that the ride home when you're doing nothing else would provide 10 free minutes to give credit to kids who work hard every day. I didn't call out any coaches by name and posting serves a purpose far greater than my individual entertainment. Coaches put in a lot of uncompensated time, if we broke down their hourly wage it would make the sweatshop owners blush. If the coach is driving home, give the scorebook to someone to text the results in, teenagers can text at lightning speed. Do teams around the state still have matmaids? Results and information promotes the sport. It gives the kids something to look at and to look forward to. Win or lose it helps tell the story of a team that is busting its butt to get better without a youth feeder program. I stick by my statement that when this site goes away people who contributed very little will complain the most that their program doesn't have a way of generating interest. It is not as simple as posting results and having instant success, that's not how wrestling works. But to have success you better find a way of building interest.

Coach Williams i believe another fella was critical of coaches not posting results last year when he believed that the lack of posting was hurting his son's "ranking" and blasted coaches for not posting (including his own school) as well as several tantrums stating that rankings don't mean anything.

Parkersburg South finds time to post their scores in record time, after every match. This program puts in more miles to compete than anybody else in the state. They also have more wrestlers to contend with. In addition, they have an aggressive JV team schedule that also adds to their miles.

I know. I have put in the miles this season and bumped into them at Ironman and Powerade.
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Re: Attention Coach Mike Cochran

Postby JennyHannan » Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:26 pm

Actually, South is down to 23 wrestlers (I believe), and two of them are injured (Mikey Shamblin all year and Hunter Daniel just recently).

Something that has worked well for us is that I ask the matmaids to text me a photo of the book after each dual match or after they've filled up a page at a tournament, and I use those to type up the results. Tisha Windland and I started this at the beginning of the 2014 season, and it worked like a charm. Paula DeLong and I used it extensively while she was keeping book, and now I have a couple of girls that are my go-to girls for sending me pics of the scorebook.

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Re: Attention Coach Mike Cochran

Postby Bearhugger » Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:35 pm

JennyHannan wrote:Actually, South is down to 23 wrestlers (I believe), and two of them are injured (Mikey Shamblin all year and Hunter Daniel just recently).

Something that has worked well for us is that I ask the matmaids to text me a photo of the book after each dual match or after they've filled up a page at a tournament, and I use those to type up the results. Tisha Windland and I started this at the beginning of the 2014 season, and it worked like a charm. Paula DeLong and I used it extensively while she was keeping book, and now I have a couple of girls that are my go-to girls for sending me pics of the scorebook.

Innovation is an incredible thing!!!!!
Holy smokes. Braxton Amos works out with a landmine now!!!!!!

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Re: Attention Coach Mike Cochran

Postby mscoach20 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 7:22 pm

mscoach20 wrote:
Bearhugger wrote:
mscoach20 wrote:Yea...this whole growing the sport thing is misguided. We lost 73 wrestlers. 1573 down to 1500. Hardly a time to panic. Not even out of the standard deviation. We ok.

What is the actual standard deviation that you speak of? Please share your data.

Standard deviation? That's the +/- of any given statistical point that makes a data point equal to that data point. Bell curves and such. Meaning we probably should not worry about a 4.6% drop in participation, given all states have seen a decline. Plus, numbers may have rebounded in the last year. Here, data man, look at the link. ... on-numbers

And according to the WVSSAC rosters it looks like we are sitting at right around 1500 again this year...give or take a few wrestlers.

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Re: Attention Coach Mike Cochran

Postby Bearhugger » Wed Feb 07, 2018 7:44 pm

mscoach20 wrote:
mscoach20 wrote:
Bearhugger wrote:
What is the actual standard deviation that you speak of? Please share your data.

Standard deviation? That's the +/- of any given statistical point that makes a data point equal to that data point. Bell curves and such. Meaning we probably should not worry about a 4.6% drop in participation, given all states have seen a decline. Plus, numbers may have rebounded in the last year. Here, data man, look at the link. ... on-numbers

And according to the WVSSAC rosters it looks like we are sitting at right around 1500 again this year...give or take a few wrestlers.

I know what a standard deviation is. I was asking specifically. When we have a AAA region with only 3 wrestlers, we should worry.

When participation was not good last season, then using last season as a gauge for this season is not good either.

WV citizens should quit using what other states do or do not do to then determine how WV is doing.
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Re: Attention Coach Mike Cochran

Postby brentsams » Thu Feb 08, 2018 9:05 am

Results are posted to WVMAT:

I don't like The Wrestling Tourney. The results page is not user friendly to see things in one easy screen. You got to jump around to much to see full results. Just my personal opinion.

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Re: Attention Coach Mike Cochran

Postby mscoach20 » Thu Feb 08, 2018 9:21 am

For a man that knows standard deviation, you lack the base knowledge on trends. A country-wide trend in wrestling participation is absolutely relevant when referring to what is happening in our state. Again, our numbers matching (actually being higher than last year) is very important, regardless of whether it is lower than 3 years ago. That may indicate a new norm based on a new population. All of this is statistically relevant, and to discard it is simply irresponsible.

But I do agree with one thing you said...which is incredibly rare that occurs. We cannot be the state that waits too long to fix a problem anymore. We do need to be the innovators of our region, not the followers when the wave has already crested.

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Re: Attention Coach Mike Cochran

Postby Bearhugger » Thu Feb 08, 2018 10:40 am

mscoach20 wrote:For a man that knows standard deviation, you lack the base knowledge on trends. A country-wide trend in wrestling participation is absolutely relevant when referring to what is happening in our state. Again, our numbers matching (actually being higher than last year) is very important, regardless of whether it is lower than 3 years ago. That may indicate a new norm based on a new population. All of this is statistically relevant, and to discard it is simply irresponsible.

But I do agree with one thing you said...which is incredibly rare that occurs. We cannot be the state that waits too long to fix a problem anymore. We do need to be the innovators of our region, not the followers when the wave has already crested.

Your babbling bullstuff reminds me of a conversation I had with my mother less than 10 years ago. She was bragging that the unemployment rate in WV maintained itself while it increased nationwide. I told her that was because WV's unemployment problems started 15 to 20 years before and people left the state then. How long do the masterminds wait before they start innovating?
Holy smokes. Braxton Amos works out with a landmine now!!!!!!

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Re: Attention Coach Mike Cochran

Postby mscoach20 » Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:17 pm

Bearhugger wrote:
mscoach20 wrote:For a man that knows standard deviation, you lack the base knowledge on trends. A country-wide trend in wrestling participation is absolutely relevant when referring to what is happening in our state. Again, our numbers matching (actually being higher than last year) is very important, regardless of whether it is lower than 3 years ago. That may indicate a new norm based on a new population. All of this is statistically relevant, and to discard it is simply irresponsible.

But I do agree with one thing you said...which is incredibly rare that occurs. We cannot be the state that waits too long to fix a problem anymore. We do need to be the innovators of our region, not the followers when the wave has already crested.

Your babbling bullstuff reminds me of a conversation I had with my mother less than 10 years ago. She was bragging that the unemployment rate in WV maintained itself while it increased nationwide. I told her that was because WV's unemployment problems started 15 to 20 years before and people left the state then. How long do the masterminds wait before they start innovating?

PLEASE tell me where my bull crap begins. Is it the actual numbers? Is it understanding that since we are the rule and not the exception it’s less a state problem and more a sport problem? Or is it understanding that realistically there is no problem? I’m anxious...

*pulls up chair and popcorn...gets to edge of the seat*

So anxious!

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Re: Attention Coach Mike Cochran

Postby KDunbar » Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:55 pm

Not entering into any particular argument that is going on, but I would point out the following: It is the normal thing in WV wrestling for teams to post their results on WVMAT. That makes it easier to find, follow, and keep up with all the teams. This includes results even for the previous years, which I look at all the time. When teams start doing this on a myriad of other places it is very unlikely that we fans will be able to remember that School A post theirs on Site X and School B does theirs at Site Y. And as I have already said this will be even less likely next year and in the years to follow. So what seems like a convenient thing to do might possibly be considered actually a waste of time, except for the members of your team, who already know the results. I say that at the risk of offending someone. I know that some of the posts might sound demanding, hostile, and smack of entitlement, but maybe just be thankful that someone is actually expressing interest in the tournament that one worked so hard to make happen and consider it's being recorded on WVMAT for posterity as an important thing.

As far as not posting scores at all, Dr. Welker recently posted some words of wisdom, one of which said "Excuses are like sewers, every street has one and they all stink" (although I have always heard this axiom in a less politically correct form). Sorry, just thought of that and couldn't resist :) .

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Re: Attention Coach Mike Cochran

Postby dontlikethelights » Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:28 pm

"Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the pigeon ends up crapping on the board and struts around like it won anyway."

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Re: Attention Coach Mike Cochran

Postby KDunbar » Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:51 pm

dontlikethelights wrote:"Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the pigeon ends up crapping on the board and struts around like it won anyway."

Exactly what board are you saying you crapped on?

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Re: Attention Coach Mike Cochran

Postby dontlikethelights » Thu Feb 08, 2018 4:10 pm

KDunbar wrote:
dontlikethelights wrote:"Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the pigeon ends up crapping on the board and struts around like it won anyway."

Exactly what board are you saying you crapped on?

Lol well played. I'm sorry if you felt that was aimed at you, you always have useful contributions to the boards and I respect your posts. I was trying to build off your post about not entering into arguments. The board has turned into a nonstop bickerfest. We need to all just learn to get along here in a civilized manner and help build the sport.

Ian Webster
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Re: Attention Coach Mike Cochran

Postby KDunbar » Thu Feb 08, 2018 5:19 pm

I thought it was possible, but I just couldn't help myself. After all, if you can make jokes then so can I :) . Honestly though, I can't figure out who you would be aiming your comment at if not me, again :) .

Case in point Ian. Because your team posted your result on WVMAT, I remember you well.

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Re: Attention Coach Mike Cochran

Postby IndyHart » Thu Feb 08, 2018 6:42 pm


I use The Wrestling Tourney and I'm not wild about it either. It's pretty clunky in places. What do you use or what program have you found that's better? I guess at some point I'm going to have to give Track or FloArena a try, but, having lived through a regional where we lost power and had to pick up and move to another location, access to reliable wifi is always a concern with me.

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Re: Attention Coach Mike Cochran

Postby brentsams » Fri Feb 09, 2018 4:39 am

IndyHart wrote:Brent,

I use The Wrestling Tourney and I'm not wild about it either. It's pretty clunky in places. What do you use or what program have you found that's better? I guess at some point I'm going to have to give Track or FloArena a try, but, having lived through a regional where we lost power and had to pick up and move to another location, access to reliable wifi is always a concern with me.

I use Kreider PC Tournaments, which I bought years ago. I don't think they are in business anymore. They were out of Indiana or Illinois. It's great for the Jr. States as I can place teams in geographic regions across the state and when I scramble the brackets, a wrestler will not meet someone from his region until the semi-finals. You hate to travel 100 miles and wrestle your neighbor in the first round or two. It would be great for the WSAZ. But I do like what I saw from the WSAZ this past year. It might be worth looking into. Kreider was once use at the NCAAs and the Beast of the East.

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