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Postby Frank » Thu Apr 14, 2016 5:39 am

Whats the new rules that the WVSSAC is voting on this session? I heard something about a 3 week session in the summer for out of season coaching. But I thought we already had that. Can anyone up date me on whats being prorosed? please.

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Postby IndyHart » Thu Apr 14, 2016 8:09 am

Here is the MetroNews article on the proposal:

http://wvmetronews.com/2016/04/12/out-o ... education/

The SSAC takes a lot of heat from those involved in athletics and a lot of it is deserved. The failure to allow out-of-season coaching isn't on that organization. They have proposed that almost all restrictions be lifted the last two years (I think the last proposal included one week off during the July 4 week for vacations), but the state Board of Education voted it down.

For me, this new proposal is lipstick on a pig. My understanding is that it basically allows the three-week period to be used at the coach's discretion instead of during pre-determined periods plus an addition six "flex" days that the coach can use whenever he wants. Something I read about the proposal earlier said it was intended to allow coaches to work their kids out for college coaches.

I think most of the people who visit this site would favor a removal of the ban. To get there, we need to stop talking about how the ban hurts athletics and focus on how it hurts our kids in general. The three biggest threats kids here face are truancy, obesity and addiction. Allowing kids to participate in athletics outside their formal season with Board approved coaches fights all three of those threats. It's about public health as much, or more, than it's about athletic performance.

Last session, the Legislature showed some willingness to step in and override SSAC rules with passage of the so-called Tim Tebow Bill, which dealt with home-schooled athletes. We are going to have elections this year (you've probably seen the signs). Instead of posting here, take ten minutes and email your legislators or legislative candidates to tell them why the Legislature should step in and do something about the out-of-season coaching rules. Tell him or her that it would help keep kids in school, off drugs and out of jail. Hard to be against that in an election year.

The fact that the SSAC proposed removing the ban two years in a row means that principals are in favor of getting rid of it. So the barrier to change is the state Board of Education. I'm not really sure what that organization has done in the last fifteen years to improve education in West Virginia to suggest that we should defer to their "wisdom" on issues like this.

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Postby coach_williams » Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:05 am

According to that article the "year round access" measure barely passed the WVSSAC by a vote of 54-53, so I am not sure how much the SSAC supports a year round coaching system, but it appears that they are at least more open to it than the WVBOE is. Along with letting the SSAC know how we feel about restricted access we also need to let the WVBOE members know. Complaining to Ray Londeree every time we see him but never letting our state representatives know how we feel isn't going to accomplish much. I agree that we need to contact our local and state representatives, but we also need to contact the individual BOE members. I think it would also be useful to organize a "march" on the capitol by parents, athletes and coaches to express our concerns that our state's athletes are being held back by this policy.

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Postby mike.carman » Fri Apr 15, 2016 8:49 am

Coach Williams. I'm with you. Organizing a march is a GREAT idea. The sooner the better.

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Postby forthekids » Fri Apr 15, 2016 10:20 am

How but we organize a march for the education the kids are getting left behind on in this state. BEFORE we were about sports! Come on man, let's keep the priorities in check. They will use their education a lot more then then the .0000000000000000000000000000000000001 who are going to make a living in sports. Furthermore, their are a lot more scholarships for a person's brain and academic success then sports. Trust me, college shopping with the daughter. Just my humble opinion :D

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Postby coach_williams » Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:20 pm

Just a thought, but perhaps we would have more kids getting athletic scholarships if they could have access to more coaching in the offseason if they desired it. There is a reason why children of coach's often excel at their sport. They have unlimited access to coaching anytime they want it.

The WVBOE would never tell a teacher that they can not tutor a kid that wants extra help with math or writing after school or in the summer, but if an athlete wants extra coaching the coach is prevented from doing the same thing.

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Postby J.W. » Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:22 pm

For the kids, can't argue the statement that more out there for academics but all are wired differently. Some kids grades are better when they are with the support of the coach of the only sport they play. Some kids stay out of trouble more when surrounded by the influence of the only sport they play. I am totally against the coach that wants to make mandatory year around practice with punishment for not attending, but a true voluntary allowance of coaches to work with kids who desire more instruction in a sport is not a bad thing. It allows for an influence in their life, some the only positive influence they receive, in a year round atmosphere. Why is that deemed a bad thing. Academic standing for attendance would be looked at year around by the coach, the coaches would have a better pulse on the kids social life. Right now wrestlers travel all over state and country outside of season to train and compete. To allow this in local area would keep more kids interested, save families money, continue a bond and sense of belonging for the one sport athlete. Just my opinion.

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Postby aaacoach4 » Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:22 pm

To deal with educational issues, talk to your local Board of Education if your kids or athletes are getting short changed in that area. To get something changed like the out of season rule it must go through the WVSSAC and State Board of Education. Virginia has probably one of the best policies in place, there is a 1 week dead period/no contact at the conclusion of that sport's season. After the dead period week, the coaches are free to coach their athletes. At least this would eliminate the disguise of "open gym".

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