Upcoming Youth Tournaments - Cancellations / Postponements?

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Upcoming Youth Tournaments - Cancellations / Postponements?

Postby TSYWL » Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:40 am

There are a lot of open tournaments on the page that indicate "Details to Come" including some that are just a few weeks away. Does anyone know the status on these? Obviously this has been a crazy year with the COVID element and this has definitely impacted the open tournament circuit for this year. There are a lot of programs who are trying to draft their open tournament schedule, and are trying to find out the latest......

Does anyone know if the ones listed on here are currently a go?

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Re: Upcoming Youth Tournaments - Cancellations / Postponements?

Postby admin » Thu Nov 12, 2020 10:20 am

I have a couple that I'm posting today that are cancelled: Ripley Rumble and Monarch Youth Tournament.
Jenny Hannan wvmat@outlook.com

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