WSAZ and weather

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WSAZ and weather

Postby coastietrooper » Mon Jan 18, 2016 11:10 pm

Could the predicted snow storm this weekend cause problems for the WSAZ?

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby mscoach58 » Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:01 am

It could. News is still saying its too early to call for amounts of snow. I know at the seeding meeting for middle school on Sunday, they said the tournament would go on regardless of weather. So those that can make it will wrestle.

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby mscoach64 » Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:02 am

do you know if/when they will be releasing the seeds?

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby mscoach59 » Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:11 am

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby rodneyjwv » Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:27 am

I love the WSAZ for keeping something going for so long and not bowing to the whining PC crowd that would cancel for flurries. I can't remember attending a WSAZ tournament without weather slowing travel. Drive slower, leave earlier, be safe. WSAZ's are worth the drive for any wrestling fan!
Rodney James
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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby coastietrooper » Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:44 pm

No one here was whining... just asking a question in case something changes.

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby coach_williams » Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:51 pm

rodneyjwv wrote:I love the WSAZ for keeping something going for so long and not bowing to the whining PC crowd that would cancel for flurries. I can't remember attending a WSAZ tournament without weather slowing travel. Drive slower, leave earlier, be safe. WSAZ's are worth the drive for any wrestling fan!

Nobody is being whiney. You may not be aware, but there are actually policies in several counties that prevent sports teams from traveling if school is closed that day for inclement weather. That means the team can not attend and individual wrestlers can not go and represent their school on their own. A bad snow storm = a lot of teams not attending.

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby coastietrooper » Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:54 pm

coach_williams wrote:
rodneyjwv wrote:I love the WSAZ for keeping something going for so long and not bowing to the whining PC crowd that would cancel for flurries. I can't remember attending a WSAZ tournament without weather slowing travel. Drive slower, leave earlier, be safe. WSAZ's are worth the drive for any wrestling fan!

Nobody is being whiney. You may not be aware, but there are actually policies in several counties that prevent sports teams from traveling if school is closed that day for inclement weather. That means the team can not attend and individual wrestlers can not go and represent their school on their own. A bad snow storm = a lot of teams not attending.

Thank you... exactly.

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby rodneyjwv » Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:01 pm

I guess it's time for parents to take back the education system, and send those 6 figure administrators packing. Blame the administration, blame the coaches, blame blame blame. Take some ownership, replace the school board, go to board meetings, plead your case in person, forums are not a place where these problems get solved, they only polarize. It is truly unfortunate that all counties do not allow participate, I feel those counties are cheating their tax paying citizens by limiting choice of parents. This goes for not just sports, how many Charter Schools do we have in WV?
Gator, sorry I got on soapbox..
Hope I didn't offend anyone, that was not my intention.
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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby Gator » Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:32 pm

No problem going back and forth when it doesn't break forum rules Rodney. We do that enough in the political arena also. ;)

I think it's unfair to the student athletes that work and train hard to participate in high profile events only to be grounded by unfair county rules set by a few who think they know what's best. Perhaps the WVSSAC can provide assistance with the counties that are handcuffed by those rules. IDK

I do know that there are some northern panhandle and eastern panhandle Middle Schools that cannot attend the WSAZ tournament because of distance and money issues. But cancelling school and not allowing a team to participate in a tournament which may only be a few miles away is ludicrous! What if the team is already at the Z's on Friday to wrestle and they cancel school that day? Can anyone tell me what happens then?
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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby Panther_coach » Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:37 pm

Been in that spot many times. Schools from all over WV and other states came but we, in Cabell Co. had to beg the administration to let us travel the 15 miles to the WSAZ.
On a side note, Keith Morehouse said on the six o'clock news that no matter how much snow " the show will go on because one thing about wrestlers and their fans ... They are tough!"
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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby Bearhugger » Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:53 pm

Back in the 80s, we hardly ever got out of school for snow. Now, if somebody throws a snow cone out of a car window, they close school.

On another note, I see more wrestlers being hauled off on stretchers these days than there ever was years ago. I wonder if there is a correlation here?????
Holy smokes. Braxton Amos works out with a landmine now!!!!!!

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby coach_williams » Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:54 am

Gator wrote: What if the team is already at the Z's on Friday to wrestle and they cancel school that day? Can anyone tell me what happens then?

I assume that if the team is already there then most would let them compete. I believe the purpose of the rules are to prevent travel for sports if the roads are deemed too dangerous to travel for school. The catch is getting released from school. When I brought Eastern Greenbrier to WSAZs last year we were not allowed to leave until noon on Friday, so there was no way for us to already be there. Just to drive this point home, the AD said that if any wrestler was absent on Friday to go down early then they could not compete.

[quote="rodneyjwv"I guess it's time for parents to take back the education system, and send those 6 figure administrators packing. Blame the administration, blame the coaches, blame blame blame. Take some ownership, replace the school board, go to board meetings, plead your case in person, forums are not a place where these problems get solved, they only polarize. It is truly unfortunate that all counties do not allow participate, I feel those counties are cheating their tax paying citizens by limiting choice of parents. This goes for not just sports, how many Charter Schools do we have in WV?[/quote]

I don't know about in your county, but in mine the board members are parents. As a coach and father of a wrestler I understand your frustration, but these rules are put in place to protect your child. Nobody wants to see a bus full of wrestlers flipped on the highway or over the side of a mountain. Personally I would much rather have my son home safe and sound than risk his life to wrestle 4 or 5 matches.

If you feel that strongly about it then you should run for a board position. Just remember, if you are the guy that forces the policy change you may also be the guy that gets sued by a parent that lost their child because of your decision.

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby coach_williams » Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:56 am

Bearhugger wrote:Back in the 80s, we hardly ever got out of school for snow. Now, if somebody throws a snow cone out of a car window, they close school.

Welcome to the world of litigation. Everybody sues for everything these days. Back when we were kids teachers didn't need liability insurance. Now any teacher that goes into the classroom without it is just asking to lose everything they have.

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby mscoach64 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:13 am

well, it will keep happening until the public quits electing lawyers to Congress.

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby Chadturley1 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:42 am

I'm not really sure how it will play out here in kanawha county. Idk if it's up to the superintendent or the principal. It would be a shame if kanawha county schools wasn't able to wrestle. I'm pretty sure there would be several wsaz champs that would have to sit out because of the weather. Terrible. My personal opinion is if you can make it then you can wrestle. We shall see I reckon.

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby pin2win » Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:52 am

I thought you had to be at school so many hours before you could participate in a sporting event. So if these teams travel and are not at school then how can they compete that day. Also which counties do not allow them to participate in a sporting event if school is closed? Just my opinion I would think regardless of whether you made the trip or not if your school closes then you would not be allowed to participate.

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby coastietrooper » Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:48 am

All good questions and issues for debate. Specifically why I began the thread and asked the question. After speaking with my county's BOE, I still haven't been given a clear answer.

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby rodneyjwv » Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:00 pm

Coach Williams,
Our county has a decent BOE, the problems wood county faces, let see since they hired the latest Superintendent, he delegated all decisions, to his power happy assistant who has hired all her buddies to either 6 figure jobs that require no work, or created jobs and filed them with her puppets. It is so bad that to start the 2015-16 school year, over 100 teachers and 20+ administrators retired, leaving out students with multiple teachers lacking the certification or degrees to actually teach. They let our athletes be, but they are cheating the tax payers by a form of nepotism. My fight with our county will start when they announce how much money they want from taxpayers for a bond issue due to be voted on in November. I will be present to voice my objections to the superintendent and their wasteful practices, and demand that they step down if they can't provide good reasoning for 16 deputy directors, 4 plus assistant superintendent, and justify they pay scale for each hire. Also have many questions on how they mismanaged 800k on a 100+ year old building that engineering said would be cheaper to replace than fix. But they disagreed with engineers, and spent it anyway. They all need to be held liable for their decisions, and punished under full weight of the law. That might just stop the abuses of our educational dollars and system.
Rodney James
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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby abadahmichael » Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:24 pm

Nobody is being whiney. You may not be aware, but there are actually policies in several counties that prevent sports teams from traveling if school is closed that day for inclement weather. That means the team can not attend and individual wrestlers can not go and represent their school on their own. A bad snow storm = a lot of teams not attending

The issues that I am having that there is not State or County Policies, it that the call is to be left up to the School's Principal! So in a county some schools would be allowed but some school wouldn't. That is not fair to the athletes! If the decision is to be made, it needs to be made by the county as a whole!

As for "Safety" if the students are not taking a school bus and it is left up the the parent to transport the child (which in wrestling, it almost always is parent transporting, least for us) then leave that up to the parent!

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby coach_williams » Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:30 pm

rodneyjwv wrote:Coach Williams,
Our county has a decent BOE, the problems wood county faces, let see since they hired the latest Superintendent, he delegated all decisions, to his power happy assistant who has hired all her buddies to either 6 figure jobs that require no work, or created jobs and filed them with her puppets. It is so bad that to start the 2015-16 school year, over 100 teachers and 20+ administrators retired, leaving out students with multiple teachers lacking the certification or degrees to actually teach. They let our athletes be, but they are cheating the tax payers by a form of nepotism. My fight with our county will start when they announce how much money they want from taxpayers for a bond issue due to be voted on in November. I will be present to voice my objections to the superintendent and their wasteful practices, and demand that they step down if they can't provide good reasoning for 16 deputy directors, 4 plus assistant superintendent, and justify they pay scale for each hire. Also have many questions on how they mismanaged 800k on a 100+ year old building that engineering said would be cheaper to replace than fix. But they disagreed with engineers, and spent it anyway. They all need to be held liable for their decisions, and punished under full weight of the law. That might just stop the abuses of our educational dollars and system.

Jeez that is a lot of administration! I am just up in Wetzel county. Had no idea you guys were dealing with issues like that. On the upside, the WVDE looks at expenses vs. student population, so that may come back to haunt them in the end. You guys are 5x bigger than us in population, but we get by with 1 super, 1 assistant super, and I think 6 directors (elementary, secondary, technology, nutrition, special ed and attendance/discipline).

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby coach_williams » Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:32 pm

abadahmichael wrote:
Nobody is being whiney. You may not be aware, but there are actually policies in several counties that prevent sports teams from traveling if school is closed that day for inclement weather. That means the team can not attend and individual wrestlers can not go and represent their school on their own. A bad snow storm = a lot of teams not attending

The issues that I am having that there is not State or County Policies, it that the call is to be left up to the School's Principal! So in a county some schools would be allowed but some school wouldn't. That is not fair to the athletes! If the decision is to be made, it needs to be made by the county as a whole!

As for "Safety" if the students are not taking a school bus and it is left up the the parent to transport the child (which in wrestling, it almost always is parent transporting, least for us) then leave that up to the parent!

You sure there isn't a county policy? I would look into if I were you as those types of things are not enforceable without one.

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby Panther_coach » Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:48 pm

A wise old coach once told me ... Just get on the road before they make the call to close schools and they won't make you come back...
After all is said and done, all was said and done!
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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby abadahmichael » Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:14 pm

coach_williams wrote:
abadahmichael wrote:
Nobody is being whiney. You may not be aware, but there are actually policies in several counties that prevent sports teams from traveling if school is closed that day for inclement weather. That means the team can not attend and individual wrestlers can not go and represent their school on their own. A bad snow storm = a lot of teams not attending

The issues that I am having that there is not State or County Policies, it that the call is to be left up to the School's Principal! So in a county some schools would be allowed but some school wouldn't. That is not fair to the athletes! If the decision is to be made, it needs to be made by the county as a whole!

As for "Safety" if the students are not taking a school bus and it is left up the the parent to transport the child (which in wrestling, it almost always is parent transporting, least for us) then leave that up to the parent!

You sure there isn't a county policy? I would look into if I were you as those types of things are not enforceable without one.

100% Sure! ... Spent all day one the phone with the board office asking about this and why if one school in the country couldn't participate and compete but yet others could. I was told is is up to the school principal.

Response form the principal when ask about the issue and a possible reconsider, his response was "" If school is cancelled we do not practice or play. That is the policy I have for my school"" ... notice it says MY school. That is why I conacted the board and was told the sme thing.

So in our case policy is NOT county consistent and thats not fair to the students.

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby uknowme » Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:47 pm

I was told that all middle schools in Kanawha County were given permission to attend the WSAZ tournament even if school is closed on Friday. Kanawha County is already closed for tomorrow. Backroads are extremely slick and icy after that snow burst this evening. So I guess as long as they can make it and are on weight, all Kanawha County schools should be at WSAZ.

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby pin2win » Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:25 pm

It is my understanding that all Kanawha County has to get permission by there individual schools principal if school is canceled on Friday.

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby pin2win » Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:26 pm

It is my understanding that all Kanawha County has to get permission by there individual schools principal if school is canceled on Friday.

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby Jesse corbin » Thu Jan 21, 2016 1:34 pm

anyone know if brackets will be posted? Everyone's worried bout the snow but every good tournanment we've been too snow has never been an issue

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby mscoach44 » Thu Jan 21, 2016 1:44 pm

If I remember correctly, if a note is signed by a parent releasing the school from all responsibilities for their child, and the parent picks up the child, then they can go where ever they need to go and school cant stop it.

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Re: WSAZ and weather

Postby coastietrooper » Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:51 pm

Guess my next question would be after the news I just heard... If the governor declares a state of emergency, does the tournament have to shut down? I'm going to be ticked if we have to drive all the way there, waste money on rooms and we can't wrestle. Anyone have an answer for that scenario?

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