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Postby aacoach51 » Tue Jan 24, 2017 12:38 pm


The LKC tournament will be held at Clay County High School on February 4th. Please forward your tentative line ups to me at

There will be a seed meeting on February 2nd at 6:00 PM @ Clay County Board of Education office in the training room downstairs. The address is 285 Church Street, Clay, WV 25043.

Looking at rosters and previous results, no weight class has less than 9 wrestlers. Coach Stump is working with me and crunched the following numbers based upon rosters and results.

106-9; 113-11; 120-9; 126-11; 132-13; 138-10; 145-9; 152-10; 160-12; 170-11;
182-11; 195-11; 220-8; 285-11. This is barring injuries, wrestlers changing weight classes, etc.

Please send me a line up as soon as you can in order that we can begin looking it over. Every effort will be made to keep it at one day, but it may be impossible to do so.

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