HETA protesters outside the Capitol Building in Charleston.
Many members of the West Virginia Legislature feared that the members of HETA might make good on their threat - actually appear in the nude in public. "That would be the most disgusting and unthinkable calamity to beset the citizens of West Virginia imaginable. We just couldn't risk it, and thought it best to give in to their demands."
High schools with animal mascots will be required to change to fruit and vegetable mascots no later than September 1, 2009. As explained by the government spokesman "The biggest hurdle was to find a fair way to assign the fruit and vegetable mascots to each school. All the schools wanted to use the more desirable food names such as artichoke and bananna. We didn't want to end up with 30 schools all claiming to be the top banana." For that reason, fruit and vegetable mascot names were assigned by the legislature.
Partial List of Schools with New Mascot Assignments
School | Old Mascot
| New Mascot
| Grafton | Bearcats | Green Beans
| Bluefield | Beavers | Blueberries
| East Fairmont | Bees | Eggplants
| South Charleston | Black Eagles | Blackberries
| Brooke | Bruins | Brussels Sprouts
| Martinsburg | Bulldogs | Mangos
| Philip Barbour | Colts | Rhubarbs
| Capital | Cougars | Cantalopes
| Jefferson | Cougars | Tomatoes
| Lincoln | Cougars | Legumes
| Braxton County | Eagles | Bell Peppers
| Hedgesville | Eagles | Jalapenos
| Magnolia | Eagles | Blossoms
| Robert C. Byrd | Eagles | Beets
| Frankfort | Falcons | Figs
| Woodrow Wilson | Flying Eagles | Watermelons
| Oak Glen | Golden Bears | Acorns
| Nicholas County | Grizzlies | Ramps
| South Harrison | Hawks | Strawberries
| University | Hawks | Endives
| Herbert Hoover | Huskies | Hickory Nuts
| North Marion | Huskies | Mulberries
| Clay County | Panthers | Collard Greens
| Lincoln County High | Panthers | Lemons
| Pikeview | Panthers | Potatoes
| Fairmont Senior | Polar Bears | Pole Beans
| Elkins | Tigers | Escaroles
| Princeton | Tigers | Parsnips
| Shady Spring | Tigers | Soy Beans
| Wirt County | Tigers | Pinto Beans
| Spring Valley | Timberwolves | Dandelions
| Wahama | White Falcons | Artichokes
| Logan | Wildcats | Lima Beans
| Meadow Bridge | Wildcats | Chestnuts
| Nitro | Wildcats | Glycerins
| Moorefield | Yellow Jackets | Mush Melons
| Williamstown | Yellow Jackets | Walnuts
| |